CC - Item 2B - Removal of Red Curb• 0 r~ ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL y rAW 4PPi STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 13, 2008 SUBJECT: REMOVAL OF RED CURB AT 9102 VALLEY BOULEVARD SUMMARY On April 3, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed this item in response to a request from a nearby property owner. At this meeting, the Commission approved staff's recommendation that red curb be removed at 9102 E. Valley Boulevard to accommodate two additional parking spaces. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to remove red curb at 9102 E. Valley Boulevard. DISCUSSION Background At the request of the owner of local property owner, staff conducted field observations in the vicinity of 9442 E. Valley Boulevard. These observations identified that there were limited parking options for patrons at 9102 Valley Boulevard and that the removal of a section of red curb would add two additional spaces. Attachment A includes a detailed diagram of the proposed work. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this work is included in the City's traffic engineering budget. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 ' L City Council f4eeting April 22, 2008 Paae 2 of 2 Submitt~b Briam eki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Curb Marking Diagram -Valley Blvd and Hart (2) Traffic Commission Staff Report, April 3, 2008 (3) Traffic Commission Minutes, April 3, 2008 e sw~.w.ua.-<wr-ne m w HART AVE WATCHU E SEE NIOW LEFT z C] SCALE. r-,u . k 00 a N z SOUTH PA J J Q CURB FACE r 0 ~ p rn ~ m v O O 9034 m ^ y 9036 0 0 } a I ~ `B l i SU MY 'y W rc 9142 Q S S W ORLD a O J PPL 8 S EAU - P PA TTY U E Y R32 CAI m 0 9; 6p, EMPTY LOT ( p u - A w em (7 O L D S 10 PA 9130 9132 9134 STATE FARM INS. R32(CA P~ pmF 9am-6 9126 1/2 N z 0 KHAI TRUE g H m m 91268 m QUY VAN NGUYEN z ° 9126A ROBERT PHARMACY CSOUTH URB R32(CA) --P/L FACE 90m-6pm y 9122 BANK OF THE WEST m ROSA HEALTH CARE m ~ F 9120 0 m m z a UNISON HEALTH SERVICES J m and a x F 9118 PA 0 a ° 9 Z 0 VALLEY F~ & TOURS (C ) = Z 0 Z L 9am 6 m P Z F E; F R32(CA H METRO 0 w a w a gum-6p~ 7 N 0 ---PA 00 , 7 m 7 2 r 0 U s ? m 1j J N N 0 9112 9114 Fina- A BL. O ❑N ❑ 1. OSMOND REALTY r PA N n n 91 8 ` 0 9103 ! N 0 b N 9102 ! I J - APARTMENTS ° 4 R32(CA) 9a6pm ° __-PAL _ Q rn n ' t r ~ 91 b ^ h J -r A N N O 32 CA) `V < N 9 0 GPM N w L _ o n N m 948 9048 Ol N •O m ~A t N y K 2 90 h S FABRIC MII APHOLSTERY ~r 9044 Y TCHUBE SEE BELOW BBi1T ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: APRIL 3, 2008 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REMOVE RED CURB AT 9102 VALLEY BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the March Traffic Commission meeting, Ms. Orawan Huttayasomboom requested the City remove red curb in front of her property at 9102 Valley Boulevard. Ms. Huttayasomboom indicated that she has been trying to lease this business property but has been unsuccessful primarily due to the lack of parking, both on-street and on-site. She has requested the removal of red curb to allow on-street parking at her property. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the removal of red curb to accommodate 2 parking spaces in front of the properties at 9048 and 9102 Valley Boulevard. ANALYSIS On-street parking on the south side of Valley Boulevard between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue is marked with parking 'T's. This parking layout was completed several years ago at the request of the business owners at that time. The parking T's generally are 20 feet in length. The red curb was installed to prevent vehicles from parking in locations that were not long enough to accommodate a vehicle. Exhibit A depicts the on-street parking along the south side of Valley Boulevard between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue. Discussion Review of the on-street parking on the south side of Valley Boulevard indicated that 9102 Valley Boulevard is the only business without on-street parking. The other businesses on the south side of Valley Boulevard between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue have some on-street parking. Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 2 of 2 The length of curb between 9102 and 9048 Valley Boulevard is approximately 61 feet. This is enough space to provide 2 parking spaces with red curb on either side. Each parking space should be 20 feet in length. Recommendation Based on the available curb length, it is recommended that red curb be removed to accommodate 2 parking spaces in front of the properties at 9048 and 9102 Valley Boulevard. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A Valley Boulevard between Rosemead BI. and Hart Ave. - Will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. Q:Vn16774-Rsd Retainer 07-08\Traffic commission Agendas\4 April 2008\9102 Valley-Red curb remmal.doc ---mzQQ -ASa HART AVE M ICKUlE SEE ABOVE LEFT oz SCALE : 1'-40• . - k N OQ z > Ow (1 SOUTH CURB ----PA om FACE r 0 N O & w O U f 9034 m L 9038 m m o 91 MPS WORLD J 9142 HEADQUARTER DQU RTE Y w S __-PA ~ > EA j R32(CA) 0 Q 9am-6pm 9 ( Q EMPTY LOT P r A w w 0 w J - PA 9130 9132 9134 STATE FARM INS. R32(CA) ---PA F ti gam-6PmF 91261 /2 r m F O KHAI TRUE 5 u! m 91268 o m OUY VAN NGUYEN 3 0 9126A ROBERT PHARMACY SOUTH CURB R32(CA) y --P/L FACE 9am-6pm y r 9122 F BANK OF THE WEST y m ROSA HEALTH CARE 1- F 9120 L ~ m w z m _ v UNISON HEALTH SERVICES ¢ J v < a 8 PA m o 9118 & TOURS VALLEY P (C ) Z Z O Z 0 ~ 9am 6 Pm o' La o M R32(CA) 9116 METRO F= a w gam-66ppm HOUSE L w 0 < ro ---PA Z 00 W m Z 8 Z m W 0 9112 9114 ROSEME060 BL. E]a ❑M a h OSMOND REALTY PA ih 9106 °n 0 9108 9103 R h 9102 APARTMENTS R 1 R32(CA) •i~, I 9am-Bpm o PA W m °n n b 91 , ( 'b ON 32 CA) R a Q F- n 9 6pm w in 1 9 9048 0 H 1a ~A m 0 f eb0 904 { L MIKES FABRIC i. TERY ~r 9044 9044 MA10t ME SEE BLLOW WOIT ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION APRIL 3, 2008 FINAL The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE Chairperson Knapp INVOCATION Commissioner Lewin ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin Absent: Commissioner Hunter 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of March 6. 2008: Commissioner Lewin noted that on the first page the meeting location should be changed to Community Recreation Center, Room 8, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. Commissioner Masuda requested that on Page 6, 9"'. paragraph, the word "are" be changed to "as." Commissioner Lewin suggested that on page 6, 4th paragraph, the word "develop" be changed to "consider." On page 9, 2nd complete paragraph, "Commission Lewin" should be changed to "Commissioner Lewin." It was moved by Commissioner Masuda, seconded by Commissioner Gay to accept and approve the amended minutes of the March 6, 2008, meeting. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Masuda, Gay, and Lewin. Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Hunter Abstain: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission: Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. Flournoy requested that Commission look at the red curb at the condos at Delta and Rush, east side of Delta. A parking spot is missing. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 1 Rmec(06160)16774/1002/Min04 0 Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki will contact Mr. Ornelas. Speaking before the Commission: Peter Wu 4644 Ivar Rosemead, CA FINAL Mr. Wu stated that parking along southbound Ivar and westbound Mission restricts turning onto Mission. He suggested there be a no left turn sign or no parking on the north side of Mission. Chairperson Knapp explained to Mr. Wu that the Traffic Commission presents ideas to the City Council. The City Council has to approve what is presented to them. This item will be looked at and the Traffic Commission will make a recommendation. Mr. Wu will be notified when this is to come up again. 3. OLD BUSINESS A. DRAFT - RESIDENTIAL ON-STREET DISABLED PERSONS' PARKING PROGRAM POLICY AND PROCEDURES Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the draft of the parking program. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission review and comment on this draft document and send the document with these incorporated comments to City Council for approval. Chairperson Knapp asked for comments. Commissioner Masuda questioned the one-time $50 installation fee. The resident requesting the blue curb might not have exclusive use of it, and it is a public parking spot. He would also like to have more added to the reason for removal (last item under 'Policy"). The suggestion was to add "or regulatory restrictions." The same statement should be added to "Removal" (last page). On the 4th page, item 3C, he would like to see a definition of "high demand." Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki suggested 75% or greater than 75% parking demand" could be added. In Section 3E, it was suggested that "nor is an excess of vehicles or recreational vehicles in the driveway" be added to the last paragraph in 3E. Regarding Property owner approval letter that applicant is to attach to the application, there should be an easier process for the applicant, such as a yes/no checkbox for property owner approval. Chairperson Knapp stated she too is not comfortable with the $50 fee. There is no fee for a green or white curb. Many of the potential applicants are elderly, and on fixed Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 2 Jl:mec (06160)16774/1002/Min04 FINAL incomes; the $50 fee would be a hardship. After further discussion, there was agreement among the Commissioners that there should be no fee. Commissioner Gay's main concern was the $50 fee, and he is okay with everything thus far. Commissioner Lewin stated he believes the applicant must demonstrate a long-term need, and he suggested 1 year; this will also reduce the possibility of abusing the program. Chairperson Knapp responded that there are good safeguards in place to discourage abuse of the blue curb program. Commissioner Gay also believes there are safeguards in place. It was suggested that "further documentation may be requested" be added to the Application. Chairperson Knapp believes that the staff visit to the site will provide a lot of information. With regard to the Neighborhood Survey, Commissioner Lewin suggested that if an applicant is unable to get the required signatures, there needs to be a process in place to get the signatures. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that staff would get signatures during the survey. The sentence "Incomplete surveys will result in an automatic denial of the application" will be deleted from the Notice/Neighborhood Survey form. Commissioners discussed verbiage of 2nd sentence under Neighborhood Survey: "The following information is required from each household surveyed." Commissioner Masuda's suggestion of adding checkboxes that allows the applicant to show he/she was unable to get a response from a neighbor, and the reason was agreed upon by the Commissioners. It was recommended that Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki bring this back to the next meeting. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR A BUS LOADING/UNLOADING ZONE AT 8450 GARVEY AVENUE Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report and study findings. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 50 feet of white curb and 20 feet of red curb in front of 8450 Garvey Avenue. Chairperson Knapp asked for comments. Ms. Rosemary Cai, owner of the shop at 8450 Garvey, was present and had no comments or questions. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 3 Jlnec(06160)16774/1002/Min04 FINAL Chairperson Knapp expressed concern about the white curb impacting Mission Fence and asked where the white curb will be located. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki answered that it will be in front of the building at 8450, it would not extend beyond the property line. Commissioner Masuda asked if there is restriction in how long a vehicle can park in a loading/unloading zone. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki does not recall if there is a limit set in the City of Rosemead; but generally a white zone is for loading and unloading of passengers only, no parking. At this location the buses are there for a short time according to the applicant. Chairperson Knapp asked Mrs. Cai where the restaurant patrons park. She answered that they use the parking lot in the back. Chairperson Knapp asked if other drivers could use it at other hours. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded it would be difficult to enforce. The time limit can be specified on the white curb. Commissioner Gay wondered if the Traffic Commission would be setting a precedent. He believes that perhaps more research or evaluation is needed, and he would like a little more time to think about it and plan it out. Commissioner Masuda is also concerned about setting a precedent. Chairperson Knapp requested a motion. Commissioner Gay motioned and Commissioner Lewin seconded to table this item for further research and evaluation. Chairperson Knapp asked if Mission Fence had been notified of this item. Traffic Engineering Deputy responded that they were; there was no response from them. Chairperson Knapp requested that they again be notified; she would like to get a response from them. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated they would be notified. Commissioner Lewin stated he was at the site between 6:30 and 7:00 the previous evening and saw no buses. He is skeptical about granting this request without a clear established need; no buses have been seen during the reported hours of need. He has not seen a clear, established need for a white curb. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki will speak with Mrs. Cai and try to be there when buses are there. Commissioner Lewin stated he too is skeptical about setting a precedent; the Commission needs to be careful what it does for businesses when it might impact the public parking spots. Vote Results: Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Apol 3, 2008 Page 4 Jlnec(06160)16774/1002/Min04 o • FINAL Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Masuda Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Hunter B. REQUEST TO REMOVE RED CURB AT 9102 VALLEY BOULEVARD Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report and report findings. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the removal of red curb to accommodate two parking spaces in front of the properties at 9048 and 9102 Valley Boulevard. Chairperson Knapp asked for comments. Commissioner Masuda asked why the parking T's were installed. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded that the businesses felt the parking was not being used most efficiently. The T's were to maximize the number of parking spots. Commissioner Lewin wondered why the red curb was installed in the first place, and suggested it might be for visibility issue for apartment residents exiting their driveway. Applicant responded that the apartment residents have one way to get in and out, they make a U in the back. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated the whole block, owners and tenants, were notified of the request for the red curb. Commissioner Gay stated the Commission needs to take care of the small businesses as much as the big businesses, and he sees no reason to have the red curb. Chairperson Knapp requested a motion. Commissioner Masuda motioned and Commissioner Gay seconded to accept staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the removal of red curb to accommodate two parking spaces in front of the properties at 9048 and 9102 Valley Boulevard. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Masuda Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Hunter Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 5 Jl:mec (06160)16774/1002/Min04 • 0 FINAL Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 6 Jl:mec (06160)16774/1002/Min04 FINAL C. REQUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE PANDA EXPRESS PROJECT At the March 6, 2008, Traffic Commission meeting, Commissioner Lewin requested a copy of the environmental information prepared for the new Panda Express project on Walnut Grove. Commissioner Lewin stated he had actually requested the Traffic Element, not the entire report. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated it is her understanding that the Commission can make comments to the document, but there is. nothing that she or Traffic Commission can act on. They should forward any comments on the document to the Planning Commission. Speaking before the Commission: Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. Flournoy stated the Planning Commission has not approved the Conditions of Approval. Therefore if there is a need to change the Conditions of Approval the comments need to be addressed to the Planning Commission. He distributed to the Commissioners a synopsis of comments from a meeting called by Mayor. He explained that there are conditions not foreseen at the time of the EIR and the checklist needs to be corrected. He cited truck traffic as an example. He suggested the Commissioners look at changed conditions. He believes the Traffic Commission should be able to look at Traffic Element of an EIR checklist in the beginning of the process, not the end. There was discussion between Mr. Flournoy and Chairperson Knapp about various locations and how conditions have changed or improved. Commissioner Lewin asked about the 15% pass by trips. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded that it is a little high, but not out of the realm. Commissioner Lewin feels the number might be a little high and the impact is underestimated. Commissioner Lewin stated there is significant unforeseen impact, at least in the EIR, on Rush. From what he has seen there has been a significant impact on street traffic. He would like to request a study of surface street impact around the area as part of the Conditions of Approval. Another option would be to request City Council to refer the traffic element to the Traffic Commission to evaluate. With the support of Traffic Commissioners, he would appear before the Planning Commission and request that a surface street and truck impact studies be completed as Conditions of Approval. . Chairperson Knapp suggested that perhaps the Traffic Commission should have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Commissioner Masuda agreed. Commissioner Gay stated there is a need for truck route studies. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 7 Jl:mec(06160)16774/1002/Min04 Chairperson Knapp requested a motion. FINAL Commissioner Lewin motioned and Commissioner Gay seconded that the Traffic Commission submit a request to the City Council to refer the Traffic Element of the Panda Express Mixed-Use Development to the Traffic Commission for evaluation by the Traffic Commission. Yes: Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Masuda Noes: None Abstain: Chairperson Knapp Absent: Commissioner Hunter PRIORITIZED TRAFFIC STUDY LIST • Truck routes • Tour bus traffic in residential areas • Location of crossing guards • Street sweeping (and increased enforcement) Will this require a study? Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded that it might. • Mission Drive between Rosemead and Valley crosswalks • Protected permissive signals. Will this require a study? Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded that guidelines would be developed; specific locations would be looked at. • Change in General Plan, Housing Density will impact traffic 5. STAFF REPORTS - NONE 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Chairperson Knapp suggested that the crossing guard at Encinta/Mission (teenagers are majority of cross walk users) should move to Ivar and Mission where elementary school children are the majority. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting is adjourned until May 1, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting April 3, 2008 Page 8 Jl:mec(06160)16774/1002/Min04