CC - Item 5B - City Council Chambers RenovationROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 10, 2008 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS RENOVATION SUMMARY The City Council Chambers is currently being renovated. The project is on schedule and will be completed by mid-July. Over the last month, staff has been researching different ways to improve public access to City Council meetings. One approach that should be considered is the possibility of broadcasting meetings via the world wide web in both an audio and video format. However, the ability to broadcast meetings via the internet was not part of the original bid for the Council Chambers project. Therefore, staff has contacted local communities who provide such services. In the course of our research, it has been determined that the vast majority of communities utilize Granicus, a northern California based company, to assist them with broadcasting meetings via the internet. Staff has contacted Granicus and requested a proposal for providing their services for the City of Rosemead. The services would include purchasing hardware and software to manage the agenda & voting system, and would also include training, maintenance and support of the system. Ultimately, this system would allow the City to broadcast any event held in the new City Council Chambers on the internet. The total cost of the Granicus system is approximately $66,600. After this initial investment, there will be an ongoing monthly maintenance fee of $1,734.13 for managing the live broadcasting of the meetings. A large portion of that monthly cost goes towards being able to provide adequate bandwidth to have the meetings accessible on the internet. A copy of the Granicus proposal is attached to this staff report for the Council's review (Attachment A). Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Granicus proposal and approve Resolution No. 2008-43 appropriating $87,500 from the unrestricted general fund balance to pay for the services. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: D Ira-, Proposed Solution Pricing Software Modules 9ediaManager lediaManager Enterprise Access 9inutesMaker (1 Meeting Body) 'oteCast Touch Client Software (5 Voting Seats ) 'oteCast Server Software (1 License ) 'oteCast Public Display Client Software (1 License ) )utcast Encoder Software (1 License ) AediaVault Software (I License ) Professional Services tware Installation and Configuration Site Training (4 Days ) Sales Tax 8.25 % Software Subtotal lone/Web Training (2 Hours ) - Document Templates - Player Template - View Template ardware Validation (1 Validation ) Sales Tax 8.25 % Professional Services Subtotal $2,475.0( $2,475.0( $7,425.0( $2,475.0( $495 $7,100.0 $300.0 $1,350.0 $675.1 ■ ,p i!:,.tiard titreet. !.i• ■ if ancisco. CAt ofto s. 94101. ■ :11. 0,1- il,I', ■ Proposed Solution Pricing Hardware Components (May be provided by City) (1) - Osprey 230 Video Capture Card $450.00 (7) - Member Station Monitors (Elo Touch Monitor 1515L) $5,250.00 (8) - Meeting Member CPUs $11,200.00 (1) - Foot Pedal $0.00 (7) - Touchscreen Mounts $1,050.00 Sales Tax 8.25 % $1,480.88 Hardware Subtotal $19,430.88 Shipping $1,925.00 This Proposal was generated by Matt Mineks of Granieus, Inc, on 6/3/2008 and it expires on 12/3/2008- * Price and hardware model are subject to change after 90 days without prior notice. +Additional sales tax may apply depending on your organization's tax status and the tar laws unique to your state, county and/or municipality. Granicus Media Managerrm Software Granicus MediaManagerTM consists of a set of web-based software tools designed to efficiently organize and manage your public meeting and non-meeting content. These tools put the control of web publishing, public meeting workflow and system reporting into the hands of non-technical users. Public Site: Our solution includes several pages for your Internet users to access on-demand media and live broadcasts. Users will use these pre-built pages to search out specific footage, and jump to specific events within your audio/video archive. The Granicus solution also allows for a key word search based on all of the index points associated with the complete library of video archives related to the City. This functionality substantially increases the convenience of access to and use of meeting archives. Around these core pages you can instantly control user access using a registration and log in system. All public web pages are seamlessly integrated into your current website, so that the look and feel of your site remains consistent. Protected Administration Site: As a client of Granicus. you will have access to a web based administrative site that will allow you to create and manage archives, schedule and index live events, link documents and minutes of meeting to the video, view real time usage reporting, and configure content distribution. You will also have access to a series of video editing tools that can be used to enhance your on-demand content once it has been broadcasted or encoded. Media Acquisition tools give you the ability to add audio and video content to your content library from a variety of sources. Utilizing the Granicus OutcastTM encoder, live events can be simultaneously broadcast and archived to the library easily and directly through the live event manager. During a broadcast you can add times stamped data, such as agenda item indices or slides, allowing you to create rich multimedia presentations. You are also given a simple media import tool that can be used to import any pre-encoded content from your desktop into your archive listing. Finally, the Granicus OutcastTM encoder, which is included with MediaManagerTM - Basic, can be used to encode your analog video by replacing the live signal with that of a standard video playback device such as a standard VCR or DVD player. In this scenario, the same capture tools for managing a live broadcast can be used to make your valued offline content available online. Granicus also offers in house from encoding from VHS or DVD as part of our professional services. Automatic Live Event Scheduler and Archive Publishing - Live events, such as City Supervisors meetings, can be easily scheduled to be both broadcast live and archive through the Granicus Live Event Manager. By utilizing this tool, the City will not require staff time or technical assistance to start, stop or archive their live events. Archives are automatically transferred from the Granicus OutCastTM encoder to the Granicus MediaCenterTM and automatically published the web site of City. These features substantially decrease the need for staff time to manage content creation and publishing to the web site of City. Media Clip Administration provides clients the tools to create, edit, delete, index, trim and merge digital video clips. Once the media is in the archive library you can utilize indexing tools that allow you to set multiple "Jump To" points into the video, providing your end user the ability to easily navigate your streaming content. Various other editing and organizational tools allow you to modify your archives and add to the searchable Meta data associated with each arch ive. • Meeting Agenda Parser allows the City to index its video archives based on agenda item titles, by automatically pulling the agenda item titles and descriptions from the agenda of the City and loading them into the Granicus MediaManagerTM. These agenda item titles are than loaded into the live event manager, which allows you to index your video in real time by simply clicking on an agenda item title and pressing enter when the council or board begins discussing that issue. Other solutions. if they offer indexing, force you to manually retype and load the text for each agenda item. The Agenda Parser feature assures quality indexing and substantially decreases the staff time need to create indices. • Searchable Indexes - Audio and Video archives, which are viewable over the Internet, can be easily indexed with multiple jump points through the Granicus MediaManagerTm software. These indexes allow users to jump directly to the specific point in the audio/video archive of the City. The Granicus solution also allows for a key word search based on all of the index points associated with the complete library of video archives of the City. For example a key word search on "Water" will return to the user a direct link to all of the audio/video archives, which discuss water usage in the City. This functionality substantially increases the convenience of access to meeting archives. • Searchable Closed Captioning - The Granicus solution supports the use of closed captioning, and the association of the captioning with the streaming media. Captions are viewable during live and archived streaming for full ADA compliance. For archived meetings the captions can also be searched by key words allowing the user to jump to the appropriate point in the video archive. In addition captions can also be used to create a transcript for a particular agenda item through the Gran icus MediaManagerTM Software. • Document Management enables documents to be manually loaded and linked to video archives and directly associated to the appropriate agenda items, resulting in a searchable archive that includes both the audio/video record of your meeting and the staff reports or other documents that were used during the meeting. Cross-linking documents and audio/video archives provide the most comprehensive records archive system available. To improve the efficiency of integrating and linking your meeting documents with your meeting audio / video see the Document management Integration option included with M inutesMaker-rm • CD Download with Indexing - Audio/Video Archives can be quickly downloaded and burned to CD by any administrator of the Granicus solution. The CD download also includes the agenda item indexing information so users of the CD can still jump directly to the agenda items they are interested in. This tool conveniently provides offline copies of your meetings for those citizens without Internet access. Media Delivery subsystems, such as the Granicus Stream Rep IicatorTM and MediaVaultTM, maximize your existing infrastructure investment by allowing you to deliver content using local storage and bandwidth when appropriate. These systems function transparently as part of the Granicus solution, and complement the robust delivery architecture at the Granicus MediaCenterTM. No special training is required to operate these devices as they function autonomously and are controlled by Granicus MediaManagerTM software. • Summary Reports provide you with detailed usage reports concerning: streaming requests, average user bandwidth, outbound bandwidth, content popularity, and media storage usage. • Complete Template Language - The Granicus MediaManagerTM software uses a tag-based template language to display all published content. This allows you to finely control the look and feel of your video and video-related pages, and does not restrict your layout like a header/footer based publishing system would. "These templates can be easily managed through our HTML editor by your webmaster. Views System - The views system is the counterpart to the template language. The Granicus MediaManagerTM software allows you to publish video archives and a list of upcoming live broadcast to the web by creating views. To create a view you simply select the appropriate template and specific content you would like to have published. For example, a City may want to publish all of its City Council archives and the upcoming live broadcast of the City Council meeting on one webpage. To do this simply select the City Council archive folder and City Council event and then select the appropriate template. This will generate an HTML webpage with the appropriate look and feel and content. Link this page into your existing website and your ready to go. Granicus MediaManagerTM Software MediaManagerTM - Enterprise Access User/Group Administration provides clients with the tools to set login and registration requirements and create new user accounts. Tools are also provided to manage and utilize the account information for registered users and export valid e-mail addresses into a quick mailing list. Most importantly, the group management tools allow you to categorize your media library, automatically limiting a users access to those clips that you specifically made available to them. By creating group administrators who control certain clips and managing users accounts, you can distribute the responsibility of managing your media library. • Access Control - Access control for content and groups of content allows you to define exactly who can access what content and from where. Access control can be based on IP address, username/password or both. Granicus Managed Services Granicus has crafted the Managed Services program to compliment each individual solution and ensure its success, regardless of your network environment or technical expertise. Implementing this program provides each client expert attention and support. The Granicus Managed Services program is based on four comprehensive components: storage and distribution management, proactive systems management, continuous software upgrades and unlimited customer advocacy. Storage and Distribution Management: Most organizations arc drawn toward the public accessibility that streaming offers. however, Granicus recognizes that many organizations are not in a position to make the costly labor and network infrastructure changes necessary to provide this service. Granicus resolves network concerns by hosting your data and software at the Gran icus MediaCenter. Extensive Archive Library. Your solution includes customized retention schedules for each of your meeting bodies. Your solution also includes 200 hours of storage for non-meeting related content. Regardless of the number of times each meeting body convenes, or how long they convene for, your twelve months of meeting-related storage is guaranteed. The 200 hours dedicated to non-meeting content generally accommodates a large number of internal trainings, emergency preparedness and public service announcements. Options to extend your archive library beyond the standard package are also available • unlimited Bandwidth. Through the hosted model, Granicus offers every client unlimited bandwidth. No matter how many simultaneous requests for audio/video content Granicus fulfills, bandwidth expenses remain the same. Unlimited bandwidth facilitates reliable, consistent streaming, even in governments and public agencies with limited IT resources. Proactive Systems Management: Granicus goes above and beyond traditional support models by using systems management software to constantly monitor every component of your solution. Our systems management software sends us immediate notification to if an error occurs. Our support professionals work diligently to troubleshoot and resolve these issues remotely, so you are continually running with minimal downtime. While clients are responsible for maintaining their own networks, operating systems, video signal and client-procured hardware, our support team will notify and collaborate with proper client personnel when malfunctions are affecting the integrity of your Granicus solution. Continuous Software Upgrades: Granicus Managed Services ensures that your Granicus software is up-to-date with the latest available security fixes, recommended updates and feature releases. Our feature release process alerts clients when new software versions become available and guarantees that each client experiences a successful update. Many of our new features are in response to the needs expressed by our client family. As a result, we offer a simple, online method of submitting feature requests through our Customer Service Portal. Unlimited Customer Support: The foundation of our customer philosophy is demonstrated by our dedication to immediate support and unlimited access to the Granicus Customer Advocacy Team. Comprised of four specialty groups, this team ensures each client the highest level of success with their Granicus solution. The team combines Outside and Inside Advocates, who are expert trainers and client-relationship managers, with skilled Technical Support Representatives and Web Designers, who go behind the scenes to resolve outstanding issues. Personalized attention, incident response, and on-demand solutions drive our Customer Advocacy philosophy, which is committed to maintaining the technical integrity of every Granicus solution throughout its lifecyele. Personalized Attention. Granicus Customer Advocacy philosophy dictates that each client is ensured an Outside Advocate as part of their Managed Services. Outside Advocates not only prepare clients to go live with our solution, they also proactively monitor their client's progress. This is accomplished using a sophisticated customer success matrix that helps Advocates determine if their client needs additional training and/or services. As a client's main point of contact for the longevity of the relationship. Advocates develop a unique understanding of the client's processes, technical requirements and training needs. Advocates communicate this knowledge to the rest of the team to ensure smooth and accurate resolutions that meet the client's satisfaction. Rapid Incident Response: When issues arise, the Customer Advocacy team is standing by ready to deliver proactive advisory and responsive services. Outside Advocates, Inside Advocates and Technical Support Representatives are all available by phone and email to provide technical and strategic incident management during regular business hours: 5am-7prn PST. Granicus Customer Advocacy provides complete support for incident diagnosis and resolution. If a system problem involves complex support procedures, a Case (or help ticket) is created and sent to our support professionals for assessment. Throughout the resolution process, clients are updated with their Case status to guarantee timely and effective progress. Our dedicated support tearn devotes their complete attention and expertise to the Case until it is resolved and closed. We also provide 24-hour emergency phone support to safeguard our clients from any irregularities during evening meetings. Customer Service Portal. Granicus Managed Services means a proprietary knowledgebase is just a few mouse clicks away. The Customer Service Portal (CSP) provides all clients with 24/7 access to on-demand support and mentorship. The CSP allows users to access documentation, research solutions to commonly encountered issues or post questions or comments in the User Forum. Additionally, clients may report problems by logging into our secure Portal and opening a Case online. Such Cases are instantaneously entered into the Granicus support queue for quick and efficient problem isolation and response by our Technical Support Representatives. Additionally, clients may continue to expand their knowledge base by attending online classes offered through Granicus UniversityTM. These free, online training sessions are held weekly by our professional Advocates. Upon request, online classes may be specially customized to fit your organization's needs. Furthermore, Granicus offers an annual User Conference filled with innovative classes, collaborative learning and one-on-one training assistance. 0 Granicus Professional Services Granicus takes a proactive approach to every product implementation. Our professionals lay a foundation for success by analyzing your business requirements and developing a deployment plan that speaks to your unique needs. The Professional Services model includes a dedicated team to manage each step of the process, from design and configuration to testing and implementation. Granicus exceeds traditional deployment services with personalized project planning and staff transitioning plans. All components of our personalized service model coalesce to smoothly integrate your Granicus solution into your current network environment and day-today operations. Network Assessment. A solid network assessment is part of Granicus' preemptive strategy to eliminate network susceptibilities before they affect your streaming operations. Through testing and analysis, deployment engineers work with appropriate personnel to design a solution that fulfills the unique requirements of your network infrastructure. Completion of the network assessment phase verifies that your existing infrastructure is properly configured for a successful deployment. System Deployment. Flexible deployment options empower organizations to bring implementation goals into alignment with existing staff and budget limitations. By adjusting roles and responsibilities, our three deployment options meet a variety of needs without comprornising quality. Every system deployment includes installation, configuration and validation. Remote: Remote deployments are ideal for organizations aiming to meet budget constraints. Using this cost-effective method, clients take the lead in acquiring hardware assets, while Granicus Deployment Engineers utilize remote access to perform configuration and installation. Website Integration. Customized website integration drives your global audience to a user-friendly portal of on-demand content that is accessible from your website. A dedicated Web Designer builds frilly customized archive pages and player templates that replicate your website's current look and feel. An archive page serves as the interface Of Your video library with a comprehensive list of live and on-demand content. The player template dictates user experience when viewing live or archived video content. "Together, the archive page and player template organize your content in a user-friendly fashion that will keep your constituents coming back. Training. Granicus Professional Services offers a training program that is unparallel in quality. Our Customer Advocacy department exceeds premier service organizations by extending a personalized Customer Advocate to maximize the value of your newly installed and configured system. Through pre-training consultations, your Customer Advocate defines your organization's training needs and creates a transition plan that migrates staff members and workflows into your Granicus environment. Advocates take a leading role in project management by serving as the primary contact and working with our Deployment Engineers and Web Designers to confirm system installation, configuration and validation. Next, your Customer Advocate travels to your location to educate individual staff members about their unique role in the Granicus solution. User training is designed to offer comprehensive instruction on how to utilize the Granicus system in the before, during and after-meeting stages. From streaming a live event to capturing motions and votes, our skilled Advocates provide hands-on instruction in the comfort of your meeting and legislative environment. Workflow Configuration. Every organization's live meeting process varies slightly, from common phrases utilized to the amount of speaker time allotted. These existing workflows dictate specialized MinutesMaker and VoteCast configurations. Granicus engineers work closely with your staff to assess such specifications and design a solution that seamlessly integrates your existing public meeting and legislative operations. Document Templates. Our MinutesMaker and VoteCast solutions produce agenda and minutes documents that resemble your print versions but offer constituents much more in terms of functionality. Each agenda or minutes item is a live link that takes viewers directly to the relevant portion of the audio/video. In order to ensure the visual integrity of your online documents, a Granicus engineer assesses your current format and customizes an HTML-enhanced document template that closely resembles the original. Granicus Professional Services is dedicated to satisfaction by providing a template that maintains the high formatting standards of your original documents. • Granicus MediaCenterTm Comprised of two world-class data centers, the Granicus MediaCenter is at the core of our hosted service model. MediaCenter servers store and distribute the audio/video streaming files, applications and deployment services that complete each Granicus solution. This design alleviates your organization of unwanted network congestion while meeting and exceeding the highest industry standards and compliance requirements with 24/7/365 power, cooling, connectivity and security capabilities. Storage and Distribution. Granicus facilitates the creation of a robust archive library without the costly purchase of memory. The large files contained in your archive library, such as videos, agendas, minutes and supporting legislative documents sit on our servers outside your network. Staff and constituent requests for content are sent directly to our MediaCenter. The MediaCenter fulfills all requests at optimum speeds through our unlimited bandwidth model. Application Performance. At the heart of each Granicus solution is MediaManagerTM, a web-based application that drives your live and on-demand streaming and legislative operations from our MediaCenter. By placing this critical application into the hands of our MediaCenter, it is secured around the clock by onsite engineers who ensure optimum network and power availability. MediaCenter houses a number of other integral applications, such as Audio-Video Podcasting, RSS Feeds and our Video Search Engine. Deployment Services. Granicus MediaCenter facilitates the centralization of our deployment process. As a result, we offer flexible options that minimize the complications of Enterprise-wide software integrations. Beyond deployment, the MediaCenter augments the effectiveness of your solution with on-going updates and new versions. Data Redundancy and Security. In the event of a national disaster, hardware malfunction, or application failure, Granicus MediaCenter delivers business continuity by ensuring the availability of your day-to-day streaming operations. The Granicus defense strategy mandates automatic data replication between world-class data centers in San Francisco, CA and Ashburn, VA. This collocation strategy ensures security while delivering mission critical content to clients across the nation. World-Class MediaCenter • Hosted environment for consistent service • 2 locations for optimum redundancy • 24 hour engineers onsite • Redundant Power capacity on an Independent Power Grid • Biometrically secured 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year • Climate Controlled • Superior, redundant bandwidth providers ■ - 11 ,.m d Shre I ',1 MinutesMak&ym Advantages Working with government Clerks and Secretaries from across the country. Granicus found many were frustrated by the time commitment needed to take detailed minutes. Yet they were equally unsatisfied with the amount of information offered to the public through action minutes. This long-standing dilemma is now re-evaluated as technology advances are challenging the old assumption that you can not get more with less. Instead of trying to reshape the old, the Granicus MinutesMaker Module steps outside the box and introduces a new form of minutes: LinkedMinutesTM - the most comprehensive minutes format in the government sphere today. Integrated Public Record The MinutesMaker Module uses cutting-edge technology to deliver a complete, integrated public record to your constituents. The Granicus vision for an integrated public record dictates that all relevant meeting information is conveniently accessible online. The end result is a dynamic archive showcasing your agendas, minutes, supporting documents, and audio/video recordings, all cross-linked and keyword searchable. LinkedMinutes LinkedMinutes takes a leading roll toward achieving this all encompassing archive. This minutes format refers to an online document that is embedded with HTML links to your audio/video recording. By simply clicking on an item, viewers are taken directly to the relevant portion of the audio/video. This method makes obsolete the time-consuming task of rewinding and fast-forwarding through VHS tapes in search of just a few minutes of content. Furthermore, public availability of video, integrated into your minutes, alleviates the necessity for clerks or secretaries to take detailed written minutes. LinkedMinutes, which are action minutes in combination with audio/video clips, meet and exceed the detail found in traditional minutes formats. This is due to the fact that most clerks, elected officials and residents feel that viewing the actual proceedings is more accurate and desirable, both internally and externally, than reading a written interpretation. Process Automation MinutesMaker does much more for time and cost savings than merely changing the need for a lengthy minutes format. The module is unique in its ability to automate much of the annotation process. This simple-to-use software enables you to record meeting attendance, motions, votes, speakers and discussion summaries in real-time. plus, a number of unique, time-saving features have been worked into the product at the request of clerks across the country. Thus, the entire public record is easily created through a single workflow that streamlines the legislative process. The MinutesMaker Workflow Pre-Meeting Action: Maximizing Efficiency • Load Agenda. Before your live meeting, avoid any necessity for re-typing your agenda items by uploading your meeting agenda into the Granicus system. Later, use these agenda items to embed time-stamps in the digital recording. For clients with an existing Agenda Management system, Granicus may seamlessly integrate with such software to import your agenda autoratically • Preload Motions. For agenda items that call for motions and votes during the meeting, the Granicus system allows you to pre-load motions, saving you time during your live meeting. • Preload Attendees. Load attendees for indefinite storage and quick selection to assemble motions, votes, and roll call. Meeting attendee settings may be adjusted as your meeting members alter with elections. • Preload Speakers. Associate speakers to specific agenda items before the meeting. • Publish Agenda. Before the meeting, publish your agenda to your website with a click of a button. As part of Granicus Professional Services, we create a template that allows your HTML agenda to either closely or exactly match your existing agenda format. Supporting documents, such as agenda packets, may be linked into the published agenda, offering comprehensive availability of your meeting documents over the web. • Schedule Live Webcast. Schedule your meeting to automatically broadcast live over your website. Live-Meeting Action: Building Minutes Every action of your meeting is recorded with a few clicks of a mouse. This natural process of building your minutes will automatically embed your video stream with time-stamps and result in the LinkedMinutes format. • Roll Call. Quickly mark meeting attendees as Present, Absent, or Excused. For quick minutes creation, roll call settings may be configured to default as absent or present. Furthermore, attendance may be changed while the meeting is in session; a member's departure and arrival will appear in your LinkedMinutes in accordance with your current minutes format. • Record Agenda Items. As the meeting progresses, record agenda items as they are discussed by activating the items you imported during your pre-meeting process. Recording the item can be accomplished by simply highlighting and pressing return or by dragging and dropping the item to its appropriate location. This drag and drop feature may also be used to adjust the order in which the meeting items are discussed r.w, 0 IInRUrd of • Speaker Management. In addition to pre-loading speakers, you may add and call individuals to speak on any item during the meeting. Activate the speaker timer by clicking on a button or manually entering the desired amount of tirne. Speaker timer buttons may be configured to suit your existing meeting process. Record Motions & Votes. A few keystrokes in MinutesMaker generate the complete motion and vote text traditionally found in your minutes document. Our highly configurable software guides users through the motion and vote process by prompting the user to select a Mover, Seconder, and Action from pre-loaded drop-down menus. For unanimous yea votes, one button completes the process and even remembers to note which members are absent. Depending on your configuration choices, the text represented in your minutes document is automatically retrieved from your current agenda item or suggested action from staff. The result is a complete text record of the item that is automatically indexed against the audio/video recording. • Quick Notes. Use the Quick Note panel to add notes to selected agenda items and automatically index them against the digital recording. A feature called Text Expansion makes the note-taking process even quicker. This useful feature allows the user to build a library of shortcuts that expand on command. The user can create abbreviations for commonly typed names or phrases and expand them into form with just two easy keystrokes. • Spell Check. Notes are automatically spell-checked. Misspelled words are quickly identified with a red underline and corrected by right-clicking and selecting from alternate spelling suggestions. • Manage Video Stream. Regardless of when the meeting is scheduled to start and stop, you may start, stop, and pause your video stream on the fly. The pause feature prevents unsolicited recordings that occur during long breaks or closed sessions • Toggle between Meetings. Occasionally, a clerk or secretary must switch back and forth between separate meetings. MinutesMaker functionality supports this process by allowing you to toggle between meetings with separate agendas on your command. Furthermore, this process will seamlessly create two separate audio/video archives. Post-Meeting • Publish Audio[Video Archive. Your video recording may be automatically published to your website after your meeting. A manual option that requires approval before publishing is also available. This on-demand archive is now indexed against the agenda, linked to associated documents, searchable by keyword and available to staff and residents on-demand. • Modify Minutes. Granicus provides clerks and secretaries with a user-friendly interface and associated management tools designed specifically to finalize their records before publishing to the web. Within this interface, specific portions of video may be quickly accessed to review and easily modify notes, votes, items and time-stamps to ensure an accurate public record. ran . ! • Ilov.ard `fret, N • Publish LinkedMinutesTM. Easily publish meeting minutes with a click of the mouse within seconds of approval through our post-meeting interface. LinkedMinutes have become the premier choice for recording meeting actions. Replacing traditional minutes methods with an audio/video record eliminates the possibility of transcription error and drastically reduces call-in requests for information from both staff and residents. Complementary Products • Mobile Encoder (Video or Audio) • Agenda Management Integration • Granicus VoteCast • Foot Pedal • MediaVault • Speaker Timer Granicus Voting SystemT" - Integrated Voting Management The Granicus Voting System provides a secure and simple platform for managing public meeting proceedings. The Granicus Voting System workflow is integrated tightly with the Granicus MinutesMaker Workflow software, which together allows legislative action (motions/votes) to be recorded directly from the individual meeting members into the meeting minutes. In addition, voting results can be displayed to the audience via the Granicus Public Display. The Granicus voting system is unique because it offers an inclusive work flow that not only involves the presiding officer and the council, but also allows for live interaction with the Clerk/Secretary and other important staff members. Clerk/Secretary Btu" Meeting Member r 1 Presiding Officer L=. Public Display fMAa M~WIM~ ~wM 4+MIS • /4M W191aD W"1A:~RtGO ~n pmM a .111, 11 N How it Works When a motion is made by the council it is recorded by the Clerk/Secretary through the Granicus Live Meeting Manager software and subsequently displayed to each council member. As the Mayor calls for the vote, council members are prompted through a simple display to cast their vote on the current motion. The voting system records and tallies the votes live, and will display the vote results upon prompting by the Clerk/Secretary or Mayor. The system supports standard and non-standard parliamentary procedures including substitute motions, consent calendar, and Roll Call. In addition to providing a complete workflow for managing motions and votes, the Granicus solution also supports speaker list management and the display and management of multiple timers. Finally, the system generates searchable web based reports of the meeting proceedings. Reports include voting and attendance records as well as links to supporting materials used in the meeting. Granicus Voting SystemTm Features: • Simple voting management and display that non-technical council member can use • Supports projection and plasma screen display for vote results • Speaker list management for the Mayor • Multiple preset timers and display • Extremely fast work flow, which can keep pace with any meeting. • Links directly into Granicus Live Meeting Manager used by the Clerk/Secretary • Web based voting record and attendance reports 0 0 1 Granicus MediaVaultTm Granicus solutions are designed to reduce the cost and complexity of government and public agency operations while increasing organizational efficiency. Organizations that integrate streaming video not only revolutionize the way they communicate with their constituents, they also improve operational efficiency and productivity inside the workplace. Staff members value on-demand access to your meeting webeasts because it encourages participation and delivers convenient, timely, and accurate information while enhancing productivity. Accessing archived content is particularly important for clerks and administrative staff who often review portions of the video when preparing minutes for public consumption. However, staff requests for on-demand video have the potential to put enormous strains on your internal network and internet bandwidth. Granicus MediaVault alleviates this challenge by offering your entire staff reliable, quality, on-demand videos, without consuming your available bandwidth. .r .i SU" IMM to Ggnws MWWC"w Why MediaVault? How it Works. Generally, all requests for archived video, whether internal or from the public, are sent to our MediaCenterTM via the internet. The MediaCenter replies by delivering the stream to the computer. This hosted model allows jurisdictions of all sizes to reach their entire constituency without adjusting their network infrastructure. It also means, however, that internal viewers watching on-demand content may utilize large amounts of intemet bandwidth. For organizations unable to support simultaneous requests for archived content, MediaVault is the answer. Granicus MediaVault stores video content on a server inside your local network (LAN/WAN). Rather than taxing your internet connection to access the archived stream, MediaVault intelligently routes internal users to servers on your network without causing user traffic to flow over your internet connection. Intelligent Routing. The Granicus solution uses a hybrid distribution architecture that synchronizes video content between the internal MediaVault server and our MediaCenter. This process enables MediaVault to store all on-demand content. MediaVault may then intelligently identify whether requests for content are sent from within your network or from the public. A11 internal requests for on-demand streams are fulfilled by the MediaVault, while Granicus' MediaCenter distributes on-demand streaming to worldwide audiences from our servers outside your network. The entire system is self-managing and requires no user intervention, so you can focus on your content and business practices rather than network architecture, cache servers, or complex synchronization systems. Optimize Streaming. Requests for more internet bandwidth than your network contains can create network congestion. This results in slower internet speeds for all those within the network. With MediaVault, internal viewers do not consume your bandwidth. Instead, staff members encounter reliable, on-demand viewing and the elimination of unwanted buffering. As a result, clerks, secretaries and administrative staff have time and increase productivity with buffer-free access to the information they need, when they need it. Expand Your Video Library. Granicus solutions include a standard twelve-month retention schedule for storing your meeting content in our MediaCenter. Furthermore. Granicus provides 200 hours of non-meeting storage space for all clients. Non-meeting content generally includes emergency broadcasts and popular original programming, such as community shows, educational programs and public service announcements. MediaVault gives you the flexibility to indefinitely expand your video library past these twelve months and 200 hours. The Granicus MediaVault facilitates long-term content storage on a server inside your local network. How you publish this content is entirely within your control. Content may be published publicly or remain for staff consumption only. Either way, your content library is only limited by your ability to create video content. Information Assurance. A number of municipal departments, such as Police and Fire, have a civic duty to maintain high standards of information security. The Granicus MediaVault meets and exceeds these concerns by providing a secure environment to store sensitive video content behind your Firewall. Storage and distribution of confidential information, such as departmental training videos and associated documentation may be securely accessed by privileged staff members without jeopardizing the confidentiality of the content. Complementary Products • Stream Rep IicatorTM • Granicus Foot Pedal Granicus OutcastTm Encoder - Feature Rich Encoding The Granicus Outcast encoder coupled with the Granicus MediaManagerTM Software makes live streaming and archiving a simple and hands off process. Most encoders simply convert an audio video signal into a digital format that can be used for streaming; the Granicus OutcastTm does much more. Using the Granicus OutcastTm with your Granicus solution allows for live indexing, synchronized captioning and automatic archiving and file transfer to distribution servers. Your Outcast encoder is also monitored and maintained by Granicus as a part of your monthly managed services. I ~ tte.«+A~r1r+ to 0,P1.V 110 S-Mdpo in Y Ad, 40M Au" UR 7 M~r+ Granicus OutCast"-' Encoder , 1j MkrtMlwnry ~ 1• Woo(~* How it Works The Granicus Outcast Encoder has a video capture card (Osprey 230 by Viewcast) placed into the PCI slot of on the Outcast encoder server. It is important to get a clean video and/or audio signal to the Osprey card. The Osprey comes with an "octopus" cable that accepts the following physical connections: Video:Composite (BNC), S-Video Audio: Balanced stereo (2 x XLR), Unbalanced stereo (2 x RCA) While broadcasting a live event, the on-site Granicus OutcastTm Encoder receives your AV signal and converts it from analogue to digital. Next, it converts the signal to the Windows Media format (multiple bit rates are supported). While streaming live, the outcast encoder also writes a copy of the Windows Media file to the encoder server's the hard drive.During the encoding process, the ender is responsible for adding the index points and closed captioning meta data to the live event and archive file. When the event is over, the encoder will then automatically transfer the archive file to the hosted and client side distribution servers. When the file transfer is complete, MediaManager will automatically publish links to the integrated public record. • w, 11 ltrrct ~1 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROPRIATING $87,500 FOR AN AGENDA MANAGEMENT/VIDEO STREAMING SYSTEM TO BE IMPLEMENTED AS PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER REMODELING PROJECT WHEREAS, Agenda management/video streaming can be improved and modernized through computer based technology; and WHEREAS, an agenda management/video streaming system was not included in the original City Council Chamber remodeling plan; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to install an agenda management/video streaming system in conjunction with the City Council Chamber remodeling project. NOW THEREFORE, the following appropriations and fund balance is amended to include the amounts listed in the following table: O Object/Acct Pro'/Fund Description Increase Decrease Expenditure: 4760 8225 P70101 Computer Software 87,500 Fund Balance: 2990 Fund 01 General Fund 87,500 The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY2007-08 budget as though it were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 101h day of June 2008. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk