CC - Item 7A - Interim City Attorney AgreementROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER C. CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 24, 2009 SUBJECT: INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY AGREEMENT SUMMARY On March 19, 2009, staff received a letter of resignation from City Attorney Bonifacio Garcia of Garcia, Calderon, & Ruiz (Attachment A). While the City Council determines how to fill the position permanently, staff recommends that an agreement for Interim City Attorney Services be finalized with Joe Montes of Burke, Williams, & Sorenson, LLP. After discussing the matter with Mr. Montes, a proposed agreement was drafted for City Council consideration (Attachment B). Staff recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the agreement for Interim City Attorney Services (Attachment B) and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents associated with this matter. ANALYSIS It is important to note that the proposed agreement contains a termination clause (Clause 13) that can be exercised at any time with no financial impact to the City. In addition, the agreement provides for more competitive billing rates as the Interim City Attorney and the Assistant City Attorney would provide services at a flat $225/hour. For comparative purposes, Burke, Williams, & Sorenson, LLP currently charges the City a blended rate which of $225/hour for the first 15 hours of work each month, after which point in time, the rate rises to $275/hour for all additional work. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: City Attorney Resignation Letter Attachment B: Proposed Interim City Attorney Agreement ITEM NO. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. 00 gcr March 19, 2009 Oliver Chi City Manager The City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Resignation Dear Oliver: Out of respect for the election process and the fact that the newly elected majority may prefer that that a different law firm represent the interests of the new majority I hereby tender my resignation as City Attorney for the City of Rosemead, effective as of the close of business today. It has been a pleasure to serve the City as City Attorney and to work with each of the members of Council and staff. We wish new council, the City and city staff all the best for the future. Pursuant to California State Bar rules we will, of course, continue to represent the City on current or pending litigation until a substitution of attorney form is forwarded to us. We will await the Council's direction, or that of the interim or new City Attorney on how to transition the files and the work of the City to another law firm. Garcia Calderon Ruiz 633 17th Stmt, Suite 1700 500 S"& Ce.nd be., Sdte 1100 625 &oedwe. Suia 900 50 West Sea hmitiodo suit, Suite 330 Doom Colondo 80202 Lae AnBiw, U&nik 90071 Sea Diego, QlAom7a 92101 Sao )we, Celibomle 95113 • l l m 1 t • d l1. b l h, p p.. t . . . . \ 1 p t. 303.292.6545 t. 213.347.0210 t. 619.564.840o t. 408.298.7400 E 303.292.6546 f. 213.347.0216 L 619.564.8404 f. 408.298.7404 444 South Flower Street Suite 2400 a Los Angeles. California 900/ 1-2953 . ' voice 213 236.0600 - fax 21 1236.2700 www hwslaw r om Direct No.: 213.238.2818 Our File No.: 05079-0001 jwelsh@bwslow.com March 19, 2009 Oliver Chi City Manager City of Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Re: Interim City of Rosemead City Attorney Services, Rosemead Community Development Commission Agency Counsel and Rosemead Housing Development Corporation General Counsel Retainer Agreement Dear Mr. Chi : This letter is a written retainer agreement of the terms under which Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP ("Burke") has been retained by the City of Rosemead ("City") as its Interim City Attorney (as described herein), by the Rosemead Community Development Commission ("CDC') to serve as its Agency General Counsel and the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation ("HDC") as its General Counsel. The City, HDC and the CDC are collectively referred to herein as "Client." California Business and Professions Code Section 6148 requires a written fee agreement between attorneys and their clients setting forth the scope of services and fees to be charged. When executed by you below and delivered to us, this agreement shall satisfy the requirements of Section 6148. This Agreement is intended to supercede any and all prior agreements between Client and Burke. If this agreement fully sets forth your understanding of the terms and conditions of our representation, please execute four copies and return one to the undersigned in the self-addressed envelope provided. The other three copies are to be retained by the City, HDC and the CDC. 1. Scope of Representation for the CDC. By this agreement, Burke has undertaken responsibility to represent the CDC as our client, as its General Counsel. Such representation includes, but is not limited to, providing advice on Redevelopment Projects and operation of the Agency, drafting of required legal documents, attendance at CDC meetings, prosecution of actions on behalf of the CDC to implement redevelopment projects undertaken by the CDC, or defend challenges to same and such other matters as the CDC may request from time to time. LA #4833-7502-5155 vt Los Angeles - Inland Empire - Menlo Park - Orange County - Palm Desert - Ventura County RURKE, VVII LI,AM" & >ORF-NSFN, LLP Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 2 2. Scope of Representation for the HDC. By this agreement, Burke has undertaken responsibility to represent the HDC as our client, as its General Counsel. Such representation includes, but is not limited to, providing advice on housing projects and operation of the HDC, drafting of required legal documents, attendance at HDC meetings, prosecution of actions on behalf of the HDC to implement projects undertaken by the HDC, or defend challenges to same and such other matters as the HDC may request from time to time. 3. Scope of Representation for the City. By this agreement, Burke, Williams & Sorensen LLP, has undertaken responsibility to represent the City of Rosemead as its Interim City Attorney. Joseph Montes shall be the City's designated Interim City Attorney. Rachel Richman shall be the City's designated Assistant City Attorney. Any change to the designation of the Assistant City Attorney shall require the written approval of the City Manager. In the absence of the Interim City Attorney, the Assistant City Attomey may act on behalf of the Interim City Attorney. The scope of Burke's representation of the City as Interim City Attorney shall include, but not be limited to, a. Attend all regular meetings of the City Council and adjourned and special meetings of the City Council. b. Attend meetings of the Planning Commission. C. Attend other meetings of boards, commissions and committees of the City. d. Provide legal advice and opinions on all matters affecting the City, except when prevented from doing so by a conflict of interest. e. Prepare resolutions and ordinances initiated by the City. Prepare or review and certify as to legal form contracts, agreements and other documents between the City and other parties. Prepare or review and certify as to legal form contracts, agreements and other documents (i) for the acquisition or disposal of services, supplies, equipment or land by the City; or (ii) for public works or projects initiated by the City. h. Criminal prosecution of violations of City ordinances. LA #4833-7502-5155 v1 SURKE. WILL 1/W; &',ORCNSCN. LIP Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 3 Represent the City in civil litigation brought on behalf of, or against, the City, as directed by the City Council. j. Other duties as assigned by the City Manager or City Council. k. Prepare or review bond documents, as Interim City Attorney. Should the City require services as bond counsel or disclosure counsel, such services shall be provided pursuant to separate agreement, at rates set forth in such other agreement. 4. Client's Obligations. Client agrees to be truthful, to cooperate, and to keep Burke advised of information and developments pertaining to this engagement. Client also agrees to keep Burke informed of Client's current address and telephone number and to pay the fees, costs and other sums incurred when due. 5. Fees. Fees for this engagement are computed on an hourly basis in accordance with the rates assigned to the particular attorneys performing the work. The rates of the attorneys for this engagement will be as set forth on the attached Exhibit A. The firm's billing rates are subject to revision annually, starting January 1, 2010. If the increase is equal to or less than the Consumer Price Index for the prior 12 months, client will be notified in writing of such increase. Any increase greater than the CPI shall require written agreement by the Client. Burke reserves the right to forego any rate increase in any given year, provided that in subsequent years, Burke may increase rates by such deferred increase amount without further Client consent. Additionally, City, HDC and CDC agree that Burke may charge its standard private client (as opposed to public entity client) rates for work that is reimbursed by private parties pursuant to litigation, conditions of approval, etc. 6. Costs. Burke will bill Client for costs and expenses incurred in connection with this engagement. These currently include, but are not limited to, expenses away from the office on Client's behalf, automobile mileage at the standard rate for business use as announced from time to time by the Internal Revenue Service, the actual cost of other travel, long distance telephone charges, facsimile transmissions, computer research, copying charges, the cost of producing or reproducing photographs, documents or other things, filing fees, and similar expenses. 7. Billin . Burke's attorneys bill in 1110th of one hour increments. The firm's billing cycle typically runs from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. The HDC, City and the CDC will each receive separate statements each month for services rendered and costs incurred during the immediately prior month. Bills are due LA 04833-7502-5155 v1 F3URKC, WILLIAM. 1, WRFNSCN. LIP Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 4 and payable within thirty (30) days of presentation. Payment is not contingent upon any aspect of this engagement. 8. Experts. Should Burke deem it necessary to engage an expert in any matter, Client will be directly responsible for the hiring and payment of all fees for such expert services. Burke will not undertake to engage any such expert without prior consultation with Client and then only with Client's consent. 9. Attorney's Lien. Client agrees that Burke may deduct all fees and costs not previously paid from any sums coming into Burke's possession by way of settlement, judgment, execution or otherwise. 10. Conflicts. The California Rules of Professional Conduct, as promulgated by the California State Bar, require that an attorney receive informed written consent from a client prior to undertaking work where there is a potential for conflicts between existing or future clients (Rule 3-310). Burke represents numerous cities, school districts and public agencies which from time to time may be adverse to Client. By signing below, Client represents that it is fully informed regarding the potential conflict of interests between it and existing and future clients of the firm, and it waives all rights regarding such conflicts and consents to the firm's representation in this regard. 11. Document Retention. Client is entitled upon written request to any files in our possession relating to the legal services performed by us for Client, excluding our internal accounting records and other documents not reasonably necessary to your representation, subject to our right to make copies of any files withdrawn by you. Once your matter is concluded, we will close your file, and you will receive notice thereof. Your physical files may be sent to storage offsite, and thereafter there may be an administrative cost for retrieving them from storage. Thus, we recommend that you request the return of your file at the conclusion of your matter. Please be advised that the firm will destroy Client's files at three years after this matter is closed, unless other arrangements are made with Client, and Client hereby authorizes the firm to do so. The firm and the Client agree that all Client-supplied materials and all attorney end product (referred to generally as "client material") are the property of the Client. Attorney end product includes, for example, finalized contracts, pleadings, and trust documents. The firm and the Client agree that attorney work product is the property of the firm. Attorney work product includes, for example, drafts, notes, internal memoranda and electronic files, and attorney representation and administration materials, including attorney-client correspondence and conflicts materials. LA #4833-7502-5155 v1 Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 5 12. Fee Disputes. If a dispute between Client and Burke arises over fees or other amounts charged to Client for services, the controversy will be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the California State Bar Fee Arbitration Program, set forth in California Business and Professions Code, Sections 6200 through 6206. The arbitrator or arbitration panel shall have the authority to award to the prevailing party in such arbitration attorney's fees, costs and interest incurred. Any arbitration award may be served by mail upon either side and personal service shall not be required. 13. Termination of Representation. Client has the right to terminate Burke's services upon written notice at anytime. Burke also has the right to terminate this engagement to Client upon written notice in the event Client fails to make any payment when due, or to cooperate on a reasonable request, or in the event that Burke determines, that to continue services to Client would be unethical, impractical, or improper. 14. Notices. Any notices required under this agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the party for whom it is intended or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, or overnight courier service with signature required from the receiving party, to the residential or business address of the party for whom intended, provided that notices to Client may be sent to Client's last known address as shown on Burke's records. 15. Miscellaneous. The effective date of this agreement shall be retroactive to the date Burke first performs services for Client. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to the doctrine of conflicts of law. The terms of this engagement agreement are not set by law but are the result of negotiation between the parties. Client has the right to consult with another attorney regarding this agreement before signing it. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. LA #4833-7502-5155 v1 BUi2KL, WILLIAMS SORT NSEN, Ll 11 Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 6 We are pleased that the City, HDC and the CDC have decided to retain our firm and we look forward to serving you. Please contact Joe Montes or the undersigned if, at anytime, you have questions. Very truly yours, BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP PARTNER I/we have read and understand the as of March 24, 2009. terms and provisions and agree to same CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Its: Date: ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: Its: Date: LA #4833-7502-5155 v1 131 JRKF. WII LIVW, F. ;<;ItFhJ LhJ LLI' Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 7 ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: Its: Date: LA #4833-7502-5155 v1 BIII KF \YVII I IAM'..k. ;000N;LN. FLf Oliver Chi March 19, 2009 Page 8 Exhibit A per hour Partners 1 $235 per hour, 12 years or $255 per hour, 13 to 20 years $275 per hour, 21 years or more Associates $175 per hour, 1" year $185 per hour, 2"d year $195 per hour, 3`d year $205 per hour, 4th year $215 per hour, 5th year $220 per hour, 6th and above Paralegals/Law Clerks $135 per hour LA #4833-7502-5155 v1