CC - Item 4A - Minutes 07-22-08• • Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 22, 2008 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Tran at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead Community Recreation center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue Rosemead California. FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Taylor INVOCATION: Mayor Tran ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Council Member's Clark, Low, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem Nunez, Mayor Tran. OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Chi, City Attorney Garcia, Assistant City Manager Saeki, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Director of Finance Brisco, Public Affairs Manager Flores, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, Deputy Public Works Officer Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Holly Knapp - announced that People for People were back in business and invited the City Council to a golf tournament scheduled for September 18, 2008. Juan Nunez - asked for clarification regarding the difference between charter cities v. general law cities. Agency Attorney Joseph Montes explained the differences between charter cities and general law cities. 2. PRESENTATION Public Safety Director Don Anderson introduced Public Safety Coordinator Mandy Wong and invited the community and City Council to attend the National Night Out 35th Anniversary event scheduled for August 5,2008. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Resolution No. 2008.52 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-52, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $554,366.29 numbered 59582 through 59613 and 62988 through 63093. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2008 Page 1 of 7 • • Resolution No. 2008.53 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-53, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $496,544.27 numbered 59597 through 596191 and 63094 through 63210. D. Adoption of FY 2008.2009 City Investment Policy Prudent fiscal management includes adopting a City Investment Policy that complies with investment law contained in Section 53601 of the California Government Code, as well as, internal polices and procedures that dictate best investment practices for the City of Rosemead. To assure that the policy is consistent with current law it is advisable to review and adopt the Investment Policy annually. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the adoption of FY 2008-2009 City Investment Policy. E. Correction of the City of Rosemead's Fiscal Year 2007.2008 Appropriation Limit Due to a typographical error, Resolution No. 2007-18, dated June 12, 2007, reported an incorrect amount as an appropriation limit for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Resolution No. 2007-18, reported $37,244,352.00 as the 2007-2008 appropriation limit and the correct appropriations limit should have been $33,405,778.00. The City of Rosemead's Appropriation Limit and Appropriation Subject to the Limit of both calculated in accordance with guidelines issued by the League of California Cities. Utilization of this approach facilitates the annual review requirement. The results of these calculations are: Appropriation Limit for FY 2008 $33,405,778.00 Appropriation Subject to the Limit 14,539,039.00 Amount under Limit $18,866,739.00 Recommendation: That the Rosemead City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-50 approving the fiscal year 2007-2008 Appropriation Limit according to Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California. Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low to approve the Consent Calendar except for item C. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofJidy 22, 2008 Page 2 (?f 7 C. Residential On-Street Disabled Persons Parking Program Policy Over the past several months, the Traffic Commission has worked on developing a residential on-street disabled person parking policy for the City. This policy, commonly referred to in other communities as a "Blue Curb" policy, was brought before the Commission in response to several resident inquiries. After reviewing sample policies from other local communities and providing direction to staff, the Commission approved a draft policy and directed to staff to forward it to the City Council for review and approval. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to approve the draft residential on-street disable persons parking program policy. There was discussion on this item between Council Member Taylor, Deputy Director of Public Services Marcarello, and Traffic Commissioners Lewin, Knapp, and Hunter. Council Member Clark made a substitute motion, seconded by Councilmember Taylor to have the item brought back with more information. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Taylor No: Low, Nunez, Tran Abstain: None Absent: None Mayor Pro tem Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low to approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to approve the draft residential on-street disable persons parking program policy. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Taylor Abstain: Clark Absent: None Items 4A and 5A were discussed as one item. 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Rosemead Park Trail Enhancement Project Design Options At its July 8, 2008 meeting, the City Council discussed the proposed trail and recreational enhancement project at Rosemead Park. At this meeting, the City Council decided to reject bids received for the project and directed staff to bring back design options for the trail portion of the enhancement project. Staff developed several alternative designs for the City Council to review, and in addition, Mayor Pro-Tem Nunez requested that the City Council consider a modified version of the initial design. The alternative designs include: Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes o/July 22, 2008 Page 3 of 7 Option A - Takes the proposed trail further north in the park near the basketball courts. Option B - Removes the trail from the south-east area of the park. Option C - Requested by Mayor Pro Tern Nunez includes several slight modifications to the original jogging trail design. Recommendation: That the Rosemead City Council: 1. Review and select an alternative trail design; 2. Authorize staff to advertise this project and solicit bids to complete the improvement project using the selected alternative design option. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Partnership Regarding Track at Rosemead High School On July 8, 2008, the City Council received public comments regarding the creating a partnership with the El Monte Joint Union High School District to build a new track at Rosemead High School. Based on the comments received, it appears that the El Monte Joint Union High School District lacks all of the funds needed to retrofit the track at Rosemead High School. Prior to the City engaging the school district in a conversation regarding such an initiative, staff is recommending that the City Council formalize the City's intent to move forward with such a project. Recommendation: That the Rosemead City Council provide further direction regarding this matter. Jean Hall - spoke against the trails and suggested Council find a solution to what the residents want. Patricia Sindelar- spoke against the trails, felt the money should go to fix the high schools. Sandra Armenta - opposed the park trails project and expressed public input is important. Jim Flournoy - suggested the park not have a hard trail and stated he appreciated the job Council is doing. Barbara Murphy - spoke in support of the trail for the park and opposed the partnership with high school. Gary Metz - suggested the money that will be utilized for the park trails should be used to fix city sidewalks. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2008 Page 4 of 7 • • Chuck Lyons - introduced a few students from Rosemead High School who are in favor of partnering up with the city to find a solution for their school track. Todd Kunioka - spoke in favor of the Rosemead Park trails and congratulated Council for letting the public express their concerns. Marlene Shinen - questioned why Council was ready to vote on this matter during the CDC meeting and asked if they thought public input was important. Abe Ramon - expressed concerned with traffic the park trail would attract the surrounding areas. Jenny Mastered -expressed concern regarding the high school track due to liability. Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Nunez to move forward with Option C of item 4A and to include that no trees be impacted. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark, Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None Mayor Tran made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low to form an Ad Hoc Committee appointing Council Member Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Nunez, City Manager Chi, and Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, to engage in formal conversations with El Monte School District regarding item 5A. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Tran No: Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None B. Creation of Ad Hoc Veterans Committee At its Regular Meeting of April 8, 2008, the City Council directed staff to look into the creation of Veterans Commission to address the needs and concerns of resident veterans. Council specifically requested that team members research similar efforts in other communities. A request for information related to Veterans Commissions/Committees through "listserve", the statewide network offered through League of California Cities, prompted only one affirmative response. However, a review of similar groups around the country indicates that they focus on the following: • Honor veterans for their military service and welcome them home from service abroad; • Provide guidance/assistance with events honoring veterans, • Increase community awareness of local veterans and their needs, and • Provide information to veterans and their families regarding available services. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of'July 22, 2008 Page 5 of 7 • • Establishment of a City of Rosemead Ad Hoc Veterans Committee could achieve the above objectives. The Committee, as outlined on Resolution No. 2008-43, would be primarily responsible for: • Advising City Council on matters pertaining to veterans, • Promoting efforts that improve the welfare of Rosemead veterans, • Educating the community on veteran's issues, and • Educate veterans and their families about available services/resources. To accomplish these, the five-member Committee would work directly with the Parks and Recreation Department in the annual implementation of Memorial Day, 4m of July, and Veteran's Day events to ensure that resident veterans are honored by the community. Additionally, they would coordinate an annual presentation before City Council to honor and highlight the service of select veterans in the Community or those returning from service abroad. Lastly, the Committee would assist Public Affairs with the development and publication of a brochure and creation of a website link detailing services available to veterans and their families. The Committee will meet only as needed to accomplish its goals. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-43 establishing an Ad Hoc Veterans Committee. Council Member Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Clark to approve Resolution No. 2008.43 to establish an Ad Hoc Veterans Committee. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. Endorse or Oppose Proposition 7 - The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008 On November 4, 2008, California voters will be asked to consider Proposition 7, the Solar and Clean Energy Act. The League of California Cities is part of a broad coalition that includes governments, renewable energy providers, environmentalists, business and labor leaders that oppose this ballot measure. Recommendation: That the Rosemead City Council take a position on whether to endorse or oppose Proposition 7. Marissa Castro-Salvati, Southern California Edison Company - stated Proposition 7 was opposed by a number of organizations. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofJuly 22, 2008 Page 6 o 7 0 • Mayor Tran made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Nunez to oppose Proposition 7. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: Taylor Absent: None Mayor Tran recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 9:39 p.m. 6. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will recess to a Closed Session pursuant to: 1) Government Code 54956.9(a): Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Name of Case: Flournoy v. City of Rosemead The Council reconvened back from Closed Session at 10:18 p.m. There was no reportable action taken. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:19 pm. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on August 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. John Tran, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda City Clerk Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2008 Page 7 of 7