CC - Item 4F - National League of Cities Congress of Cities & ExporJ ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER .69 DATE: AUGUST 26. 2008 SUBJECT: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONGRESS OF CITIES & EXPO - ORLANDO, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 11-15,2008 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the National League of Cities Congress of Cities & Expo, Orlando, Florida, November 11-15, 2008. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize any Council Member, the City Attorney, the City Manager, or a staff designee to attend the event at City expense. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: Growing Green Cities; Emerging Issues and Trends; Strengthening Local Infrastructure; Building Stronger Communities and Bolstering Economic Vitality; Developing Long-Term Financial Health; and Strengthening Efficient Government Practices and Exchanging Ideas to Engage Citizens. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference is included in the 2008-09 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Jan Saavedra Executive Assistant Attachment A: Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: --~~~Join thetonversation.1- Share solutions that move America's communities forward, CONNECT WITH COL 2008 CONGRESS OF 'vbs. D E ,y Meet 7,000 ike'-minded peoplertle • Hear colleagues' solutions,, TM LL i ?Firm n =w wmwvr ry'3f~~mriiiLEAGUES AT THE • Share neat ides CITIES AND: ated to public service m ~ ily AQ@ eo &p~ ~Cug&oo - , X10 n[pDC~C QO~o 0 ©©IPS©OQOOQ O &MMEMm awmamum O 6q9j5&2ft O 0 o a a R o o' ~o O . ~qL e o e ~ e e - e e - 'A~~' e e -ee - e O .i .a.rr a- O O 1.R15111!O~.a~•r~~Yr!11!!.l1SSV ~F ~r. e Ty a, n r+r~f UtlrYiaXIUVWw 0 * SPECIAL EVENTS AND TOURS I~® S The 2008 Congress of Cmies spmid evenm and murs E make full useaRhe mantle. enmmlmnsmvenumnd aiona aCOdando. Florida. Special cvatm am designed to provide delegates opportunities ca mflmt on she days learning, neewnrk with octal other in a more mlaod setting and gather Ideas on how to showcase their own communities' best features for visirors. IN ADDITION TO THE PROGRAM AND EVENTS, PARTICIPANTS WILL ENJOY A GALA EVENT SATURDAY NIGHT HOSTED BY ORLANDO, FLORIDA. 2008 CONGRESS OF CITIES WORKSHOPSfaul ecNO=nongel In 2008.warkshope and general sessions will focus on pmgmme and ideas thus su,,ndao fill-ars,,hrun, GROWING GREEN CITIES creating livable, green communities • Sharing innovat'wr and counting gra- pnaices • Developing susuinahll., pions • Undc,o nding the lamn un national emissions reduction effortr EMERGING ISSUES AND TRENDS embracing changes that impact the community • Dealing with v r,c, and abandoned properties • Managing employee health care • Developing immigrant inclusion strategies • Ma paging global connections BUILDING SAFE AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES addressing public safety, disaster preparation, response and recovery • Preventing crime and rerrarbm through fedml and regional partnerships • Oevdopi rag innovative approaches in community policing • Addressing youth vi,lcn c • Pla nning far a high profile event • Giving former atroas a mcuod chance • Building regional lmeropmablllty • Add rising the needs of immlgrours in emr,inncim STRENGTHENING LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE enablinglocal officials and employees to provide a strong local infrastructure •Comori dF uvodnad, local govanmenn • Exploring water distribution ryxians • Building and expanding inFnnrucmm pannenhipe • Growing the nonprofit community • Understanding imnsporntion and land use HELPING CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES THRIVE building stronger communities and bolstering economic vitality • I.arning innnva-r my napunsoe m talc Jmpmn cnxix •$uppaning.dn. I o-licess • ❑mwing family fimochi sahil, • Pri veming ywth vidimoo • Sa,pur ing alierschoollmmmwury learning • Engaging youth in rile I Ifc • Addressing childhood men, BUILDING FISCALLY AND ECONOMICALLY FIT CRIES developing long-term financial health • Developing foal rmnomia •luan ringm • Exploring the differing treats ofaud response in imeconomlc crisis BRINGING INNOVATION TO WASHINGTON: strategies, insights and Ideas that connect cities to national policy conversations • Graf ng I«al issues noticed ut the bederal Ievd • Presidential hismrians on the firse hundred days • Federalism and unfunded mandates in the I I 4h Cnngrtss GOVERNING DEMOCRATICALLY AND BUILDING CIVIC CAPACITY strengthening efficient government practices and exchanging Ideas to engage citizens • Engaging ritieens-v ka4ma Po inlay • Govvaing F,,,, mm..g.r aunomy •Mok'ne demo ork heron