CC - Agenda 08-26-08Public Comment from the Audience • If you wish to address the City Council, please complete a Speaker Request Card, as it must be handed to the City Clerk before the start of the meeting. • The City Council will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. • Opportunity to address the City Council (on non-agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. • The City Council will hear public comments on items listed on the agenda during discussion of the matter and prior to a vote. Brown Act Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Rules of Decorum Persons attending the meeting shall observe rules of propriety, decorum, good conduct and refrain from impertinent or slanderous remarks. Violation of this rule shall result in such persons being barred from further audience before the governing body. Pursuant to Gov. Code Sect. 54954.3(c), any person who engages in unlawful interference shall be removed from chambers. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. This agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rosemead City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. • Rosemead City Council AGENDA August 26, 2008 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chamber 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 John Tran, Mayor John Nunez, Mayor Pro Tem Margaret Clark, Councilmember Polly Low, Councilmember Gary Taylor, Councilmember 6 a ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 26, 2008 • CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 PM • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Pro Tern Nunez • INVOCATION - Council Member Clark • ROLL CALL - Council Members Clark, Low, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Nunez, Mayor Tran 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE 2. PUBLIC HEARING A. Public Hearing on the Expenditure of Commission Funds for the FY 2008-2009 Capital Improvement Plan Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Sections 33679 and 33445 Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33445) requires that, if redevelopment funds are to be used to pay for improvements which will be publicly owned, both within and outside of the project area, the City Council and the Community Development Commission must make three findings: a) that the proposed improvements are of benefit to the Project Areas or the immediate neighborhood in which the projects are located; b) that there are no other reasonable means of financing the proposed projects available to the community; c) that the projects will assist in the elimination of blighting conditions in the Project Areas and are consistent with the adopted Implementation Plan. For the FY 2008-2009 Capital Improvement Plan, there are two projects that require the use of Commission funds. 1. The Rosemead Parks Trail Project was considered and approved by the City Council as a part of the recently adopted budget. The Project will beautify the park by adding landscaping, adding a new walking/jogging trail around the park's perimeter, and adding new exercise and fitness equipment adjacent to the new trail. 2. The Sewer Plan Project was also considered and approved by the City Council as a part of the recently adopted budget. The Project will conduct an overall analysis and needs assessment of the City's sewer system infrastructure. The plan will also allow staff to develop needed capital improvements projects over the next 5 and 10 years. Construction of the Rosemead Park Trails is expected to occur between September 2008 and November 2008. The Sewer System Master Plan is expected to be completed by April 2009. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-58 making the appropriate findings under Health and Safety Code Section 33445 and the Council consent to the proposed Commission expenditures. Page 2 of 9 0 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Plaque of Appreciation - Traffic Commissioner Joan Hunter B. Plaque of Appreciation - Traffic Commissioner Howard Masuda C. Presentation by Rosemead Youth Association 2008 D. Certificates of Congratulations presented to the Rosemead Lady Hawks Softball Team for winning the National Championship 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes July 8, 2008 - Special Meeting July 8, 2008 - Joint Regular Meeting July 22, 2008 - Regular Meeting B. Resolution No. 2008.56 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-56, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $1,046,365.15 numbered 63211 through 63322. C. Resolution No. 2008-57 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-57, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $1,023,724.63 numbered 59620 through 59696 and 63323 through 63507. D. Resolution No. 2008.59 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-59, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $59,358.11 numbered 63590 through 6369. E. Resolution No. 2008-60 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-60, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $617,748.15 numbered 59697 through 59749 and 63508 through 63589. F. National League of Cities Congress of Cities & Expo - Orlando, Florida November 11.15, 2008 The National League of Cities Congress of Cities & Expo will be held in Orlando, Florida, November 11-15, 2008. Page 3of9 • 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 26, 2008 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize any Council Member, the City Attorney, the City Manager, or a staff designee to attend the event at City expense. G. Approval of License Agreement with AYSO Region 40 for the Use of the Rosemead Park Snack Bar For a number of years, Region 40 of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) has used the Snack Bar at Rosemead Park during their soccer season as a means of fundraising and to serve park patrons. This year, they are once again requesting use of the Snack Bar from September 1 through December 1, 2008. Recommendation: That the City Council allow the Rosemead Youth Association to operate the Snack Bar at Garvey Park and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the License Agreement. H. Classification and Compensation Study Staff would like to request proposals from qualified professional consultants to conduct a City-wide classification and total compensation study. The classification and compensation processes provide the foundation for all personnel functions within the City. The purpose of the study is to define job duties, responsibilities, qualifications, ensure equal pay for equal work, aid in organizational planning, performance evaluations, staff development, training, and salary and budget administration. A classification study is the process of thoroughly researching, analyzing, determining, and documenting the responsibilities, duties, knowledge, skills, and abilities related to a position. It serves as a legal and official written record identifying the basic parameters of any job in the classification plan. The compensation component will establish internal and external equities and ensure that our team members are compensated fairly with the labor market. The City's classification plan needs to be developed with class specifications that are consistent with current changes and requirements in the law. It needs to reflect current job duties and requirements of the position, including physical requirements and essential job functions to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, the compensation plan needs to be examined to determine comparable survey agencies, benchmark classes, internal and external salary relationships, and to assign a salary range to each classification. By aligning job duties with job titles and descriptions, the results of the study will assist in developing a fair, consistent and competitive total compensation program in order to attract and retain quality staff. The City plans to select the consultant by October 14, 2008 and the completion study is to be on or before April 15, 2009. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Request for Proposals for a classification and compensation study. Page 4 of 9 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • 2008 Adoption of the Updated 2008 Congestion Management Program and 2008 Local Development Report The Congestion Management Program (CMP) is a state mandated program that helps address the impact of urban congestion in local communities. The CMP requires that cities in Los Angeles County file a local Development Report (LDR) indicating the City's actions taken to reduce traffic congestion in the region. In order to meet its requirements, the City must adopt a resolution finding the City of Rosemead in compliance with the CMP for Los Angeles County and also submit a Local Development Report. Recommendation: That the City Council: Adopt the resolution finding that the City is in conformance with the Congestion Management Program (CMP) for the County of Los Angeles; Adopt the 2008 Local Development Report; Authorize staff to submit the CMP Local Development Report to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority. J. Adoption of the City of Rosemead Floodplain Management Urgency Ordinance No. 866 The City of Rosemead is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP is a federal program that enables property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance protection against losses from flooding and mudflow damage. As a condition of continued eligibility in the NFIP, the City must adopt floodplain management regulations that meet the standards of Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 60.3(a) of the NFIP prior to September 26, 2008. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the proposed Urgency Ordinance No. 866, establishing floodplain management regulations based on the State of California Model Floodplain Management Ordinance in order to secure the City's continued eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. K. Authorization to Obtain the Services of Hudson Consulting Services for the Special Consolidated Municipal Election- November 4, 2008 and the General Municipal Election -.March 3, 2009 Election consultant services are being requested for the upcoming Special Consolidated Election to be held November 4, 2008, as well as, the General Municipal Election to be held on March 3, 2009. The City of Rosemead is under the Department of Justice's Consent Decree to conduct the City's election to meet the Voting Rights Act (VRA). The Decrees are numerous and must be followed exactly. It requires that the City be concise and deliberate in our actions and that staff is allocated the appropriate amount of time to be able to carry out the Decrees. That task alone would require the full attention of a City Clerk, who must also run the election. The consultant will assume much of the burden of Page 5of9 • • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 26, 2008 addressing the Consent Decree mandates and offer assistance and advise as we conduct these elections. Some of the responsibilities the consultant will provide are to assist the City Clerk with coordination of all items as stated in the Consent Decree; ensure that all election time lines will be adhered as required by the Election Code; assist with the coordination in connection with Absentee Voters, voter signature verification, and coordination with the County Register Recorder regarding the same; coordinate the recruitment and training of bilingual workers at the polling places and City Hall; assist with the completion of post- election processing; and assist the City Clerk as needed. The consultant will be used "as needed" during the Special Consolidated Election scheduled November 4, 2008, given that the Los Angeles County Register will be conducting most of that election. However, during the March 3, 2009, General Municipal Election the consulting services will be used in a continuous basis. The Election Consulting Services shall be provided at sixty dollars ($60.00) per hour. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the agreement with Hudson Consulting Services and authorize the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute the agreement. L. Development Impact Fee Justification Study In 1987, the California Legislature adopted Assembly Bill 1600, or the Mitigation Fee Act, that established a uniform process for formulating, adopting, imposing, collecting, accounting for, and protesting developer impact fees. Impact fees are charges assessed by local governments against new development projects that attempt to recover the cost incurred by government in providing the public facilities required to serve the new development. Impact fees are only used to fund facilities, such as roads, schools, and parks, that are directly associated with the new development. They may be used to pay the proportionate share of the cost of public facilities that benefit the new development; however, impact fees cannot be used to correct existing deficiencies in pubic facilities. Given that the City is in the process of updating its General Plan, proposals were solicited for a Development Impact Fee Study in the interest of establishing a development impact fee program for streets and transportation, general government, law enforcement, libraries, parks, wastewater treatment, and public art in the City of Rosemead. In completion such a study, all projects and needs must be identified and a methodology developed with a nexus justifying the fees that are established in compliance with AB 1600. Page 6 of 9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • 2008 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with Willdan Financial Services to provide a Development Impact Fee Study for the City of Rosemead, in accordance with the requirements of the Mitigation Fee Act (California Government Code Sections 66000 to 66025) in the amount of S50,860. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Proposed Partnership with Boys & Girls Club at Duff School At its regular meeting on April 22, City Council authorized a Master Plan for Garvey Park. That process is well underway and City Council will see a draft of the design in October. The Garvey School District and the Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley have both been involved in the process. With the closure of Duff School, the School District is seeking how best to use the site, which is located directly adjacent to Garvey Park. The Boys and Girls Club offered lunch time activities at Duff School last year and wants to expand its service to Rosemead residents. The Master Plan process has provided the impetus for evaluating not only our recreation facilities but the programs provided to the community by the Parks and Recreation Department. There are several agencies that currently offer similar services to local youth. Through state funds, the Rosemead School District (RSD) and Garvey School District (GSD) contract after-school services at all of their sites. RSD is served by the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program and GSD by the Woodcraft Rangers. The programs consist of four mandatory components including homework help, enrichment activities, physical exercise, and a nutritious snack. Further, as noted above, the Boys and Girls Club, which offers leadership, volunteerism and social skills training, homework assistance, and a variety of recreation activities, is seeking to expand its programs. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following action: Authorize the creation of an informal "Recreation Roundtable" comprised of local agencies offering recreation and similar activities to Rosemead residents; Direct staff to establish a Service Agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley; and Direct staff to pursue a long-term lease agreement with the Garvey School District for use of the Duff School site and subsequent Joint Use Agreement with the Boys and Girls Club. B. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) At the May 13, 2008 meeting, City Council approved a Request for Proposal for an electronic document management system (EDMS). A Request for Proposal was issued on May 14, and on June 18, 2008, four bids were received for this project. Page 7of9 • • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 26, 2008 The project will enable the City to create an electronic image of vital documents. The system has the ability to index all imaged documents, enabling staff and the public to search for past agendas, minutes, staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, and other public documents. Document imaging also helps with the preservation of vital City records and provides back up in the event of damage from water, fire, and deterioration. Recommendation: That the City Council award the contract to Datanet Solutions Inc., for the total bid price of $57,789.31, and authorize the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute the contract. C. Rosemead Park Trail Enhancement Project - Award of Contract At its July 22nd meeting, the City Council selected a trail design for the Rosemead Park Trail Project and authorized staff to advertise and solicit bids for the completion of a fitness trail and recreational enhancements at Rosemead Park. This project will include the addition of a jogging trail, recreational equipment, and a tai-chi exercise pad. On August 20, 2008, bids were received and reviewed for the project. Recommendation: That the City Council award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder, The Nazerian Group, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Traffic Commission Appointments On July 8, 2008, the City Council appointed Traffic Commissioner Ronald Gay to the Planning Commission, as a result of that, his seat on the Traffic Commission became vacant. In addition, the term for Traffic Commissioner Howard Masuda expired on August 6, 2008. Staff was directed to advertise for both vacant seats and set a time to conduct interviews. The vacancies were advertised in the San Gabriel Tribune, the Rosemead Resources Newsletter, and the City's website, and interviews of the candidates were conducted at 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 2008. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding the appointments for the two new Traffic Commissioner Seats. B. San Gabriel High School Football Team and Savannah Memorial Park Donation Requests Recently, Mayor John Tran was contacted by the San Gabriel High School Football Team for financial assistance to purchase new uniforms and requested a donation in the amount of $15,000. Page 8 of 9 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA • 26, 2008 Mayor Tran was also contacted by Savannah Memorial Park for a donation in the amount of $14,268.92. Their request is for the replacement of their chain link fence to be replaced with a wrought iron fence and for the continuation of the maintenance of the landscaping of the Savannah grounds. Based on those requests, Mayor Tran has requested that the Council discuss the potential for the City to assist both organizations. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding assistance for the San Gabriel High School Football Team and the Savannah Memorial Park. 7. ADJOURNMENT The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on September 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Page 9 of 9 0 9