CC - Item 2D - CA JPIA Risk Management Conference Indian WellsE M P �OHaTE) 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER —A-:j DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA JPIA RISK MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE INDIAN WELLS - NOVEMBER 5-7,2008 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Risk Management Conference, Indian Wells, November 5 -7, 2008. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize any Council Member, the City Attorney, the City Manager, or a staff designee to attend the event at City expense. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: Employment Law Updates and Trends; Litigation Updates and Trends; Supervising Seasonal, Part Time and Volunteer Employees; Workers Compensation Best Practice; General Liability Claim; and Problem Employees and the Disciplinary Process. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference are included in the 2008 -09 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Jan Saavedra Executive Assistant Attachment A: Conference Brochure ITEM No-2 D - APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 .y ^' :' {��. f��t` am 5'.' 1000 am T1030µ 7 } BreaWNa�hvorking' � .. 10 30 am 12:00 pm �'' CONCURRENT SESSIONS t}'"' Session dmg' , +Contracts Understan,the HuNles in ,PSG. .+¢Present ed by *1 �" +Swtt Grossberg Ed Plchartla Session 2 +t< a i; s. n ym ,Gen eratio nal Omers f t the Workplace. t Presented by ,d Melanie Potunca l l c. f4 w avr ace- Session 3 - Employment Law Updates and Trends t "Presented by Kelly 72iner 4., ff r 72:00 pm 1:30 pm "Luncheon and Sponsor Recognition ++(, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS a .• Session 1 'a ^" Litigation Updates and Trends: One Moil {{ 9' Presented by: Scott Grossberg, Ed Richards Session 2 _ Supervising Seasonal Part Time and Vo on the Same Team 1� 1 ;`Zk_„ Presented by: Steven Albrecht Session 3 ' Workers' Compensation Best Prachce'6 Presented by Diana Rich Elreabeth­GOnia; s 3:00 pm -330 pmts, �KBreaWNetworkmg,yi r� ~ v j 3:30 pm —6 00 pm �� CONCURRENT ES 6SIONS�ii- d Session? r .t9df• �ctw -'# <ss �., F "' v ` The of a General Uabftty Claim Ma. "Presented d by +ILee LOSee ,s .�' Session e a7 e, i osures Kee ping on the Path ant Presented by Michael Wroniak Antoinette H Session . ,P3oblem Employees and the Disciplinary Presented by mmothy Davis { ,. P ,x 5 30 Cassino Night and Wine Tasbng Receptior % Friday, t/®I ®vembe�r 7 r 6 30 am Sun '� unnse all Hun t rr d 730 am -900 am 'r�B akfast 8utfet 9:00 am Breakfast Bu7ret/Otseussion Groups. 7 900iam -916 .. Wellness Brea�kk. 7.... 1 °y Take a Break Wide World of Wellness A short 15 minute break immediately after Sports Center will allow you the Hall of Fame Sports Center -,,,, opportunity to quench your thirst by enjoying a variety of unusual and exotic .� r *< Join us for informative and interactive "Post- Game" roundtable discussions, �FR s !I! Ili Presented by: Jeff Bills, President and Chief Executive Officer centered around Thursday's concurrent sessions. This will be a casual come -and- ! Is Confidence Consulting go -as- you -want, so bring your buffet breakfast and join the discussions. ;,- Are you happy? Nationally recognized speaker, consultant, and author Jeff Bills will Roundtables will feature speakers and subject -matter experts on: t' • The Role of the California JPIA a «y� • General Liability differently, resulting in bringing joy into our lives, both personally and • Workers' Compensation professionally. •Human Resources Take a Break Wide World of Wellness A short 15 minute break immediately after Sports Center will allow you the Hall of Fame opportunity to quench your thirst by enjoying a variety of unusual and exotic .� refreshments. r ^fic Presented by: Jeff Bills, President and Chief Executive Officer The Playoffs Stay around for our concluding session, in what has become a California JPIA conference tradition. You'll be given the chance to compete with your peers for fame, glory, and prizes, by testing your knowledge of risk management practices. Teams will be pitted against each other in a family -feud style format, and might even include a team of attorneys; that is, if they have the guts to show up. Closing remarks Prizes awarded Hall of Fame Creating Balance in Your Life .� r ^fic Presented by: Jeff Bills, President and Chief Executive Officer Confidence Consulting Are you happy? Nationally recognized speaker, consultant, and author Jeff Bills will ' inspire us, and send us off with a stimulating presentation on what makes us truly s a happy. Don't miss this insightful presentation on what each of us can do differently, resulting in bringing joy into our lives, both personally and = -A professionally. The Playoffs Stay around for our concluding session, in what has become a California JPIA conference tradition. You'll be given the chance to compete with your peers for fame, glory, and prizes, by testing your knowledge of risk management practices. Teams will be pitted against each other in a family -feud style format, and might even include a team of attorneys; that is, if they have the guts to show up. Closing remarks Prizes awarded Marathon Man (1.5 MCLE credits) The Life of a General Liability Claim: Managing the Process from First Dollar Presented by: Lee Losee, Liability Claims Manager - Retired Points to be covered: • Handling liability claims from first report to conclusion • Understanding the roles of the California JPIA Claims Committee, members, the California JPIA staff, third party administrator Carl Warren & Company, and the excess liability insurance carriers • Meeting the Carl Warren staff • Reporting, small claims handling, claims investigations, litigation management, and settlement • Meeting Risk Management Services, a public relations firm, and exploring their role in assisting members in managing the media in high profile claims Hop, Skip, and a Jump (1.5 MCLE credits) Trail Exposures: Keeping on the Path and Enjoying the View Presented by: Michael Wroniak, Attorney Collins, Collins, Muir & Stewart, LLP, Newport Beach Antoinette Hewitt, Partner Kutak Rock LLP, Irvine Points to be covered: • Following best practices for the design and development of trails • Determining and maintaining appropriate signage • Inspecting and maintaining trails, access, and signage • When is a trail considered to be in a natural condition • How does a government entity prevent trails from being developed prescriptively • When is a street a trail • Can a trail fall under the Streets and Highways Code • What immunities apply to trails • How do immunities for trails, natural conditions of public property and hazardous activities intersect • When does a trail fall outside of the immunity and when is a trail not a trail Step Up to the Plate(1.5 MCLE credits) Problem Employees and the Disciplinary Process: Managing Problem Performance Presented by: Timothy Davis, Partner Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, Los Angeles Points to be covered: • Avoiding retaliation claims by using discipline strategies • Following due process when disciplining employees Identifying appropriate ways to discipline at -will employees • Correcting sick leave abuse without violating disability laws • Exploring absent without leave scenarios , Clearing the Hurdles (1.5 MCLE credits) Litigation Updates and Trends: One More Time; Learning from Recent Claims Presented by: Scott Grossberg, Partner Cihigoyenetche, Grossberg & Clouse, Rancho Cucamonga Ed Richards, Partner Kutak Rock LLP, Irvine Points to be covered: r 11 • The impact of employee issues on pending litigation • Identifying characteristics of an abuser i • Potential liability of member involvement in private land disputes • Using background checks, Megan's law, and Live Scan to avoid hiring `7 t • Potential liability for member agency events • Reporting responsibilities and procedures;, • Member responsibility for punitive damages • Effects of budget restraints on member's liability ' •Liabilities arising out of public works • Discovery of electronic communications and data • Unwarranted traffic control devices • Joint and several liability update Spring Training (1.5 MCLE credits) Supervising Seasonal, Part Time, and Volunteer Employees: Getting Everyone on the Same Team Presented by: Steven Albrecht, Managing Partner Dr. Steve Albrecht, PHR, CPP, San Diego Points to be covered: • Identifying child abuse and neglect • Identifying characteristics of an abuser • Using background checks, Megan's law, and Live Scan to avoid hiring t predators • Reporting responsibilities and procedures;, Huddle Up (1.5 MCLE Credits) Workers' Compensation Best Practice: Getting Off the Injured Reserve List Presented by: Diana Rich, Workers' Compensation Program Manager California JPIA, La Palma Elizabeth Gonia, Partner Robin, Carmack & Gonia, LLP, Pasadena Sharon Douglas, Chief Executive Officer RWI, Escondido Points to be covered: • The value of return to work programs • Core elements of successful return to work programs • Establishing modified and alternate duties for temporary and permanent accommodations • Identifying barriers to return to work • Managing an early return to work program • Indentifying permanent return to work and the interactive accommodation process The Starting Block(1.5 MCLE credits) Contracts: Understanding the Hurdles in Risk Transfer Presented by: Scott Grossberg, Partner Cihigoyenetche, Grossberg & Clouse, Rancho Cucamonga Ed Richards, Partner Kutak Rock LLP, Irvine Points to be covered: • Overcoming objections to insurance requirements • Dealing with other public entities /agencies • Insurance, third party beneficiaries, additional insured endorsements • Indemnification /contribution contract language • Contract attorney fees provisions /enforceability /collection Put Me In, Coach (1.5 MCLE credits) Generational Diversity in the Workplace: Making Differences Work Presented by: Melanie Poturica, Managing Partner Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, Los Angeles Points to be covered: • Do you know the four generations in today's workforce • What are their characteristics • Differences can lead to frustrations, even lawsuits • What steps can public sector leaders and managers take to enhance and celebrate the differences and positive characteristics of each generation to: • Make a more productive workplace • Enhance positive morale in the workplace • Avoid lawsuits • Avoid significant turnover • Engage in succession planning Home Team Advantage (1.5 MCLE credits) Employment Law Updates and Trends: Notable Changes in Case Law and Statutes Presented by: Kelly Trainer, Senior Associate Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP, Los Angeles Points to be covered: • The California Supreme Court ruling on individual liability for retaliation • Latest Federal and State updates on family medical leave • Due process and other rights of public employees • Cases to watch Batting a Thousand (1.5MCLEcredits) f Being at the Top of Your Game: Exceptional Customer Service a Presented by: Lisa Ford «' Ij The best way to survive in today's fast moving and changing workplace *` is to be better and smarter every day. And the best organizations know that means creating a customer -first culture. Most have read the " s g eiv P ' books, many organizations have pledged their commitment to their' r customers, but few have implemented actions that match attitudes and i intentions. Today's leaders must focus on customer satisfaction with Fs i renewed interest and energy. This presentation will share strategies that 9Y P 9 will help you rethink your service delivery and leadership. Lisa will help A ? share ideas on how to serve all your customers, residents, citizens, constituents, stakeholders, and fellow employees. gg Points to be covered: • Creating a culture that delivers a memorable service experience • Defining quality service in the public sector gtS • Creating a memorable experience for constituents and employees] • Asking yourself the tough questions <p ` •Learn how to "add people to the product" • Remind yourself of the basics that work - listening skills and dealing with a difficult customer Leading all team members to be inspired to reach new levels Maintaining an attitude that keeps you on top �t