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CC - Item 4G - League of CA Cities Annual Conference 07•
DATE: JUNE 12, 2007
Attached for your review is information regarding the League of California Cities 2007
Annual Conference and Exposition, set to take place September 5-8, 2007, in
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize any Council Member, the City
Attorney, the City Manager, or a staff designee to attend the event at City expense.
Conference sessions will include: Gaining and Maintaining a Great Park Program;
Legal and Risk Management Aspects of Skate Parks; Alternative Energy; Establishing
and managing Impact Fee Programs; GASB 45; Innovative Ideas to End and Prevent
Homelessness; Motel Conversion; Prop 1C; Hillside Development and Open Space;
Legislative Update on Redevelopment Related Issues; Preventing Workplace Violence
at City Hall and Infrastructure Bond Implementation.
Expenses for this conference are included in the 2007-08 Budget.
This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.
Submitted by:
Jan Saavedra
Executive Assis ant
Attachment A: Conference Brochure
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Tentative Schedule of Events
as of May 2.2007 - (subject to change)
10:00 a.m. - Noon Thursday policy committees (adjacent hotelTBD)
12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Friday policy committees (adjacent hotelTBD)
Noon Registration Opens at Convention Center
1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Pre-conference Workshops (additional fee)
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. First Time Attendee Orientation
4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Opening General Session -Annual Report and Keynote Address
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Host City Reception
Thursday, 7:30 a.m. Registration and CityBooks Open at Con,-entiur C _ rater
8:00 - 9:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Department Meetings
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Expo Open
1 1:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Institute for Local Government Lunch Symposium (additional fee)
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch on Expo Floor
12:45 - 2:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
4:00 - 5:15 p.m. General Session - Keynote Address
7:30 a.m.
Registration and CityBooks Open
7:30 - 8AS a.m.
Regional Networking Breakfasts (Contact your Regional Rep -
additional fee may apply)
8:15 - 9:30 a.m.
Board of Directors and Partners Recognition Breakfast
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Board of Directors Meeting
9:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
10:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Expo Open
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
Expo Lunch-around
1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
General Resolutions Committee
1:45 - 3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
3:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Expo Announcement of Prize Winners
3:45 - 5:15 p.m.
Closing General Session -
Keynote Address, Installation of New Board and Officers
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Latino Caucus Reception
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Death by Chocolate Reception
9:00 - 11:00 P.M.
Asian Pacific Islander Caucus Karaoke Reception
8:30 - 9:45 a.m. Concluding Annual Business Meeting - General Assembly
(conference registrotion is required to attend this meeting
and/or to be o voting delegote)
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Annual Conference - Preliminary Session Descriptions
Citizen Participation and
Civic EnzaRement
Planning Public Forums: Answering the
Right Questions to Maximize the Success
oflour Civic Engagement Efforts
Increasingly, local public officials are turning to a
variety of new kinds of public forums to solicit the
reasoned or deliberative input of residents in
planning, budgeting and other areas. Review a num-
ber of such efforts and important questions to guide
effective design.
Beam Me Up Scotty: Digital Technology and the
Future of Citizen-Government Interactions
New media and related digital technologies present
a new generation of methods for residents and their
local officials to interact. Designate new approaches
and design a roadmap for considering their use.
Ethics Commissions: Silver Bullets,
Token Gestures or Star Chambers
When scandal strikes, local officials find themselves
under terrific pressure to do something about public
service ethics. One option is the formation of an eth-
ics commission. What are the upsides/downsides of
forming such a commission% What kinds of resources
do they need to be successful? What other options
do cities have in responding to scandals? Gain some
"I support sending city staff members to conferences, such as the League of California Cities, in order to keep
up with the fast changing fields of finance and municipal organizations"
Bob Begun, Capitolo Council Member
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Gadflys: A Fact of Public Life
join in this multi-media, participative learning experi-
ence to explore the range of activities that some
members of the public use to address their concerns
to the city council. Learn the legal basis for such
speech, what methods may be used to control unruly
conduct and how best to handle these vexing situa-
Communicating with Constituents
Do you listen, speak and pause effectively while com-
municating? Public servants must show Understand-
ing, respect, and sincere appreciation, even when they
might disagree with what's being said. Develop ways
to connect with peers, constituents and colleagues in
a powerful and influential way.
The Press Want's What?
When the media calls for sensitive information, what
are they entitled to? When should they get it? How
should they get it? Who should give it to them? Dis-
cuss real-life and hypothetical situations with a public
agency lawyer and former public information officer.
Communitv Services
City Parks - Gaining and Maintaining
a Great Park Program
How can a city design and keep character, charm
and beauty in their community parks, while dealing
with safe equipment, vandalization and maintainence
issues? Discuss how to maximize land availability
and funding options to support park projects. Deter-
mine how to engage the community to breathe life
and support into your neighborhood parks.
Weaving Public Art into the Urban Fabric
Learn the latest trends in public art programs, such
as the Sacramento °2% for Art" program. Enliven
projects by incorporating artists into the planning
and construction of civic projects.
Hell on Wheels - Legal and Risk
Management Aspects of Skate Parks
identify trends and issues related to the tremendous
increase in the number of publicly built and operated
skate parks throughout California. Gain insight into
current California skate park liability and immunity
laws, while addressing practical risk management tips
to best protect cities from liability claims.
California's Immigrant Families: Successful
Programs and New Research
Immigration is a hot topic, but often policymakers
have limited facts at hand. Many struggle to develop
successful policies and programs for immigrant fami-
lies. Learn about local and state initiatives to improve
immigrant families' well-being, focusing especially
on education and health services. Receive local data
briefs regarding immigrants to inform policyntaking
and public awareness efforts.
Inclusive Civic Engagement: Adding More
Diversity to Your Public Involvement Efforts
Too much public engagement seems to attract the
same people who typically participate. Explore how
communities throughout the state are practicing new
strategies to include ethnic, immigrant and other,
often less involved, residents.
Cinco de Mayo
Dancers on Windsor
Town Green
• 0
Sessions and Discussion Forums
< Orfust 3u(cu f
Environmental Quali
Going Green - Best Practices
forYour Community
From energy efficiency, recycled content and water
efficiency in city buildings to green design and sus-
tainable water conservation practices in the broader
community, learn about best practices your city can
embrace to conserve resources, save money and
reduce carbon emissions.
Alternative Energy -What are
Your City's Options?
Wind, micro-hydro, methane from landfills, electric
vehicles, biofuels, solar systems on city hall - these
are just a few of the alternative energy options your
city can explore. Find out about the latest technolo-
gies, how they can be used, where they can be sited
and what your city can do to lead in this area.
Institute for Local Government 19M
3rd Annual Symposium Luncheon
The Climate Change Challenge: The Beginning of
the End of the World - or - A Great Opportunity
to Make a Difference? The League and CSAC's
501(c)(3) organization continues in its efforts to share
cutting-edge information to assist local officials in
their service to their communities. Learn about the
Institute's new Climate Action Program, including
what your city can do to save money, improve the
quality of life in your community, get positive public
recognition for your efforts, and not incidentally, help
save the planet (
Fee: $45
Esc Ll,_r,~~~ arid I~1:_,nn ir~t Impact Fee
Frogran is ar,d the Futul e• c !Jser
Fees it i Ch,ingin; Lr irc;nr ,ern.
Development can be considered a privilege for which
developers can be made to contribute back to the
community. Consider how fee revenues translate
into money for public improvement projects. Discuss
the design and establishment of impact fees through
a capital improvement program (CIP), including
categories of fees, level of fees, and the enactment of
a fee program. In addition, review a brief history of
fee setting within local government. Discuss a legal
review of recent Attorney General opinions and what
they mean. Conclude with offering alternative ways
to calculate fees that coincide with current opinion.
GASB45 - Current and Future Impact
When is your city required to comply with GASB45?
How will compliance affect your city's budgets, finan-
cial reporting, and overall financial health? A panel of
experts will provide the answers and supply informa-
tion you need to know including compliance require-
ments such as funding options, financial reporting,
timelines and what are other cities doing.
Feder:i; Funndir,f; l' :_)i (our Cit,
Examine details of the annual federal funding cycle
to learn what funding is available for projects that
are being constructed daily in every city. Particular
attention will be paid to smaller communities that
often don't get the attention of their federal legislative
delegation. Examples range from water infrastruc-
ture, to transportation funding, to a broad range of
economic development initiatives, and more.
Searching for Healthy Food-The Food
Landscape in California Cities
In the midst of the obesity crisis, there is a growing
body of research showing that where someone lives
directly affects the likelihood of being overweight
and dving from diabetes. View the first snapshot
of what kinds of retail food outlets are available in
California cities. Address new research resources,
including the Retail Food Environment Index, to
use as tools to support cities in shaping healthier
fishing festival in
Mammoth Lakes
• ,
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Communities for Healthy Kids: Strategies
for Connecting Kids with Affordable
and/or No-Cost Health Insurance
Learn about the progress of a successful program
to help communities connect working families with
no or low cost health insurance. Gain information
a [)Our participating in this program designed for
interested cities and local officials.
to End and Prevent
Many cities in California are developing ten-year
plans to end and prevent homelessness. In addition,
the Governor is working on ending chronic
homelessness in the state. Find innovative ideas on
housing, social services, employment and income,
health, mental health and substance use to prevent
and end homelessness in your city.
Motel Conversion; Creating
Permanent Affordable Housing
Nearly every California community has one or more
transient motels characterized by physical blight,
high crime rates, and code violations. Address policy,
planning, design and financial issues related to the
conversion into permanent affordable housing. Case
studies will demonstrate: how to evaluate and iden-
tify successful conversion options; relocation issues;
political, planning and policy concerns; strategies for
creating partnerships; design and architectural issues;
management solutions; and financial resources for
affordable/special needs housing.
Proposition I C -Affordable Housing
Bond:Taking it Back to the Streets
In November 2006, California voters passed Proposi-
tion 1C, the affordable housing bond package as part
of the Governor's Strategic Growth Plan, authorizing
$2.85 billion in funds. These funds help the neediest
end the cycle of homelessness and move to permanent
housing, while also assisting California's workforce to
obtain safe and affordable rental housing or become
homeowners for the first time. Gauge an overview
of bond funded programs including eligible activities,
eligible applicants and application procedures.
YIMBY not NIMBY - Budding Cor'-ir ni_nnity
Acceptance forAffnr-dable Housing
Providing affordable housing choices for all house-
holds continues to be an important policy focus.
However, opposition regularly plagues proposals for
housing for low-income families. Investigate YIMBY
(Yes in My Backyard) strategies, focusing on the role
local government plays in developing community
acceptance around often contentious projects. Hear
legal perspective regarding fair housing and anti-
NIMBY laws. Leave with practical tools to get to
YIMBY in your community.
The Hidden Pros and Cons of Affordable
Homeownership Programs
Using knowledge and examples from their experience
administering affordable homeownership programs,
panelists will explore how such programs do and
do not achieve their policy goals.
San Antonio Place
in the City of
Mountain View
"in our rural small City of Coming, League participation gives us our contacts with other cities, the ability to exchange ideas
and to learn. Our closest neighboring City is 12 miles away! For the City Council, it brings regular contact with the Council's
peers and other elected City Councilors. For these reasons, the City Council has always encouraged and supported
attendance at League functions. The Council also pays public tribute to our Council representative to the League"
Steve Kimbrough, City Manager
0 •
Design teat
at work
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Mannement and Administration
Lay an Egg or Create a Legacy
- A Leadership Challenge
Elected and appointed local government leaders have
passion for creating changes that make a difference
in communities. In order to make our dreams come
true, we need perspective. Perspective is the ability
to hold two pictures in your mind: where you are
now and where you want to be. Gain an interac-
tive opportunity to work with a variety of leadership
models and move toward creating a legacy.
Domestic Partners: Implementation of
State Law and Municipal Responsibility
Discuss the responsibilities of municipal officials in
implementation of recently enacted state laws estab-
lishing protections for registered Domestic Partners.
Review AB205, the Domestic Partnership Rights and
Responsibilities Act of 2003 and similar legislation.
Address the role/responsibilities of public officials in
assuring compliance with the state law in city human
resources administration. Identify best practices and
model policies to avoid unlawful discrimination.
Openly discuss common barriers and obstacles to
appropriate implementation of the law.
Using Mediation to Resolve Organizational
Conflicts and Potential Litigation: It's All Politics
Increasingly, employees use litigation to challenge
discipline and perceived discrimination. Recent
verdicts excite the disgruntled and dismissed. Private
entities use mediation to settle these cases early,
avoiding high litigation costs. Municipal governments
have political challenges including who takes public
responsibility, whose budget pays for a settlement,
and how will the public react? A renowned arbi-
trator/mediator will provide insights and practical
advice for managing these politics.
Identity Theft: Governmental
Issues and Responsibilities
America's fastest growing crime affects ten million
victims annually. Business practices throughout your
organization may expose you to hackers, employees, or
others, who wish to capitalize on the personal identify-
ing information found within their scope. Safe informa-
tion handling practices are a must. In the governmental
arena, where a vast amount of personal information is
sometimes easily available, improvements still need to
be made. Case studies highlight weaknesses, scams and
trends in today's world of identity theft. Predictions
for the future should alarm anyone and everyone who
handles personal information.
Planning, Land Use and
Economic Development
Economic Development Truths and
Tricks forToday and Tomorrow
Gain insight into the potential value of bringing retail
to underserved markets and find ways to plugging
your community retail leaks. Engage community
leaders to adopt best practices in retail recruit-
ment and development, regardless of size. Learn to
leverage retail to expand your initiatives and take
a hands-on role to benefit from increased sales tax
receipts, more jobs, and revitalizing your downtown.
Correctly define your trade area using drive time, get-
ting beyond demographics and utilizing actual buyer
behavior data. Hear secrets to attracting projects:
what developers consider essential, common fallacies
regarding developers' priorities, how to avert elimina-
tion from the selection process, and what other cities
are doing to secure projects.
So what DOES OPR Do?
Always wondered what goes on at the Governor's
Office of Planning and Research (OPR)? What is the
State Clearinghouse and Planning Unit? Hear about
current projects involving planning, land use, and
environmental issues and policy. Discuss the current
update to the General Plan Guidelines, Tribal Consul-
tation Training & Outreach, Joint Land Use Studies,
databases and web-applications, and other projects.
New Residential Developments
Paying Their Fare Share?
Determine approaches to identify and evaluate
growth impacts. Case studies will show different
revenue sources available to assist the costs. Focus on
forming collaborate partnership to provide projects,
which result in more public benefit and incentives for
private development interests.
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Sessions and Discussion Forums
Hillside Development and Open Space -
Strategies for Land Owners and the Community
Does your city have challenging historical or anti-
quated zoning in hillside? Cities, such as Brea have
strived to strike a balance between land use controls
to realize community goals for retaining open space,
while acknowledging private property rights and pro-
viding an ability to appropriately develop these sensi-
tive lands. Examine a new zoning control template
for the hillsides to achieve both these goals.
From the California State Capitol to
California Cities - Legislative Update
on Redevelopment-related issues
The infrastructure bond package contains provisions
for affordable housing, infill redevelopment and
infrastructure improvements. As long as California
has an affordable housing crisis, redevelopment will
be under the microscope. Most local governments
(78 percent) have a redevelopment agency whose
powers and activities can have multiple and contrast-
ing effects on the local and surrounding communities.
Join the discussion on the use of redevelopment pow-
ers, its funds, and recent efforts to amend redevelop-
ment law.
Growing our Future Community Activists
as Land Use and Housing Policy Makers
How can cities "grow" our next generation of hous-
ing and community development leaders/advocates,
with an emphasis on the need to engage local youth?
As issues become more contentious and complex,
address the possibility of integrating a planning
land use curricula into elementary and high schools.
Explore existing programs and how to best develop
and promote new teaching tools at the school level.
Urban Casinos: Current and Future
Impacts on California Cities
Academics, public policy and transportation experts
will discuss the growing trend of urban casinos in
California cities. What effects are areas reporting
and how does this situation effect the immediate and
surrounding communities?
Making Great Places -
Why Zoning Needs Reform
Every city relies on zoning to regulate land use. Yet,
conventional zoning can promote auto-orientated,
single-use growth that generates traffic and contro-
versy. Many cities are replacing their zoning codes
with form-based codes that put more emphasis on
design than old-fashioned use regulations. Discuss
why this is needed, how to do it and what benefits
have been realized by cities.
Firesafe Planning: Shaping the Battlefield
with Planning and Technology
Hear about the latest advances to assess wildfire
risk at the local level. Study two different locations
where leading community planning efforts have
reduced risk prior to an emergency event. Discuss
fire-focused planning including land use and zoning,
general plan development, GIS and remote sensing,
and using public process to define risk. Create aware-
ness and apply risk management, firesafe planning
practices in your community.
Public Safet
Muzzling Dangerous Dogs -
Effective Public Safety Laws
Learn how to crack down on dangerous dogs in
your community through innovative ordinances and
enforcement. See what other cities throughout the
United States, Canada and California have imple-
mented to protect the public and responsible dog
The Dangerous Taxpayer: Preventing
Workplace Violence at City Hall
Workplace violence among municipal employees is
rare. Situations involving angry or threatening tax-
payers are more common and more disturbing. How
do we deal with chronic complainers, professional
victims, council meeting crashers, or the mentally
ill, who may use fear, threats, or weapons to fur-
ther their cause, gain attention, or settle grievances?
Discuss access control, codes of conduct, security
policies, and employee security assertiveness training,
to help create a safer workplace.
Westminster Police
0 0
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Implementation of Jessica's Law
and the Management of Sex
Of*enders in our Communities
Proposition 83, "The Sexual Predator Punishment
and Control Act: Jessica's Law," was passed by over
70% of California voters in November. It makes
several changes to current law relative to sex offend-
ers and sexually violent predators and ventures into
unchartered legal issues. It also faces several chapter-
ing conflicts with recently passed legislation. Learn
about the key components, similar legislation, pos-
sible legislative fixes, and how the new law will affect
your city.
The Balancing Act - Multi-modal
Transpor tat on Policies
As California continues to see unprecedented growth,
transportation and land use efficiency are crucial
priorities. Most jurisdictions establish transportation
level of service thresholds based on vehicle delay,
ignoring the consequences of transportation and land
use decisions on transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Consequently, they may limit cities' ability to imple-
ment Smart Growth. Discuss innovative ways to
11 alance modal interests and examine case studies.
IfWe Build ItWillThey Ride It?
Transit oriented development (TOD) offers the hope of
creating communities where people use transit and walk
more, but does it work? Hear reports on recent analysis
in California communities, as well as expert advice for
increasing transit use and policy implications.
Train station in the
City of Rocklin.
Controlling Capital Project Delivery Costs
Determine how seven cities can serve as a template
to benchmark the cost of delivering their capital
projects. Identify what those costs have been and
what they are doing to reduce those costs, while also
improving the quality of the projects.
Public Works and Transportation
Infrastructure Bond Implementation
Hear the most current update on legislation, fund-
ing and implementation of the infrastructure bonds.
What does this mean for your city and surrounding
areas? Come with questions for our experienced and
informed panel.
EnablingTruly Mobile Broadband and
Mobile devices are coming to market with Wi-Fi
built in. How can city planners tap into the public's
desire to communicate and access information
anytime, anyplace? Mobile access also enhances the
desirability of a city's downtown business corridors,
neighborhoods and public spaces, while providing
opportunities for new location-related services. Join
this technology-to-reality discussion.
How Public Are Electronic Records?
The California Public Records Act
Explore the ever-evolving application of the Cali-
fornia Public Records Act. Where do electronic
documents such as emails, calendars and reminders fit
within it? Gain practical tips for managing electronic
Customer Service Standards for Cities
Refocusing nn Quality Care
join a panel from cities of various sizes and demo-
graphics to discuss their new standard for Customer
Service Management. Address how timely replies and
technology based solutions are helping them better
serve their community members and constituents.
Emphasis will be placed on streamlining processes
and continuous improvement in four strategic areas:
regulatory, organizational structure, culture changes
and best practices.
! 0
Sessions and Discussion Forums
Youth & Children
Is Your City Prepared 1-
'(but.h Sports Problem'
Learn how to effectively administer community-based
youth sports programs that will increase participation
and parental support. Tools and resources will be
presented to deal with potentially explosive, contro-
versial and highly visible issues with youth sports
such as physical attacks by and on players, coaches,
referees, and spectators and field use conflicts.
Gang Resistance Is Pararmr1 j
Preventing Youth Gang Irwov=ni__r
In many cities throughout California, youth gang
activity has become a local crisis. California taxpay-
ers pay billions of dollars for suppression, court
costs, incarceration and medical treatment of the
victims of gang violence. Discuss a successful GRIP
youth gang prevention program and identify tools for
replication in other areas to decrease gang affiliation.
uth Commissions Worl,
Many cities in California have established youth
commissions as a means to give youth a voice and
place in local government. Assess what factors
contribute to representative, active, and effective
"For me, it's all about exposing my Council to the big picture and
providing a relative perspective with other cities.The conference programs,
exposure to the League, and networking with other government officials
all contribute to an understanding of broad local government issues, and
my city's place in California's environment of municipal governments:'
Richard Hill, City of Capitolo, City Manager
To be recognized and respected as the leading advocate
LEAGUE for the common interests of California's Cities
To restore and protect local control for cities through education and
advocacy in order to enhance the quality of life for all Californians
Window Dressing or Effective Youth City of Solvang
Voice in Local Governance? Making