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CC - Item 4E - Attend 08 City Managers Department Meeting• • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER CAL;-~ DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2007 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 2008 CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING SUMMARY Attached for your review is information regarding the League of California Cities 2008 City Manager's Department Meeting, set to take place February 6-8, 2008, in La Jolla. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance of the City Manager and staff designee. ANALYSIS Meeting sessions will include: Sexual Harassment and Ethics Issues; Innovative in Managing Public Safety Costs; Federal Cap on Retirement Benefits; Media Relations; CalPers; and Impact of Technology. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funds for attending this event are included in the 2007-08 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Jan Saavedra Executive Assis ant Attachment A: Meeting Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0r 1 ~ MANAGERS t DEPARTMENT MEETING Wednesday - FEBRUARY 6,-2008 - Friday it FEBRUARY 8, 2008 HILTON LA JOLL&TORREY PINES YOU WILL WANT TO ATTEND IF YOUARE A... FrIl III-, -I ]III IIIIiIIIIII 2DEPARTMENT MEETING PROGRAM q-REGISTRATION & CITYBOOKS .0 W 9:00 am. - 4:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 8:30 a.m. - Noon The Executive Comrruttee will discuss how the Department is working with the League to achieve their 2008 Strategic Goals. Reports from CCMF, ICMA, MMANC, MMASC will be presented, and the status of department projects will be discussed. WARM UP ON THE DRIVING RANGE PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 10:30 a.m. - Noon Climb into a vision- ary world and allow your skill set for planning and priority setting to be stimu- lated and challenged. Using internationally known photographic images, find your next path to success." PRE5i1w,4- : Jeff Kolin, City Manager, City of Santa Rosa LEAP FROM THE INFORMATIONAL SPEAKER: Steve Uzzell, Photographer, TO CONCEPTUAL AGE - Speaker, Reston, Virginia ICMA UNIVERSITY SESSION The era of "left brain" dominance and the engendered Information Age is giving way to a new world where "right brain' qualitieswill govern the future. Discover how the forces of "abundance, Asia, and automation" are altering the competitive logic of organizations. Pull ahead ofthe competition usingthe arts, design, storytelling and play. SPEAKER. James Keene, Director of Strategic Issues and ICMA West, ICMA, Berkeley WAR STORIES - AVOID HR SAND TRAPS: SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND ETHICS ISSUES Hear actual ethics and sexual harassment cases and find out how to avoid litigation. FACILITATOR: Fran Delach, CityManager, City of Azusa SPEAKERS Sonia Carvalho, City Attorney, Cities of Azusa, Claremont and Yorba Linda Mildred K. O'Linn, Law Enforcement Defense Counsel and Litigator, Manning & Marder, Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Los Angeles Grover Trask, Attorney, Best, Best & Krieger, Riverside STAYING IN THE FAIRWAY BREAKOUT SESSIONS 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. BE INNOVATIVE IN MANAGING PUBLIC SAFETY COSTS FRONT 9 TEE OFF GENERAL SESSION 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. .Open Roads Open Minds: An Exploration of Creative Problem Solving • Manage expenses and exert more programmatic control over contracted Sheriff's Department law enforcement • Implement innovative shift schedules • Utilize non-sworn staff • Better manage personnel expenses, recruitment and retention FACILITATOR Hilary Straus, Assistant City Manager, City of Citrus Heights SPEAKERS: Christopher Boyd, Chief of Police, City of Citrus Heights Richard Brady, President, Matrix Consulting Group, Palo Alto William Lansdowne, ChiefofPolice, City of San Diego Henry Tingle, City Manager, City of Citrus Heights Participate and ask questions in a format simi- lar to the to Ik show "The View" such as: How can your organization cultivate woman leaders? How do woman leaders achieve work/life balance? FACILITATOR: Jan Perkins, Partner, Management Partners, Sa n Jose SPEAKER:: Amy Chan, City Manager, City of Sunnyvale Tamara L et ou rneau, City Manager, City ofYorba Linda Cathy Standiford, Assistant City Manager, City of Santa Ana LEAGUE STRATEGIC PRIORITY This late-breaking session will involve a dynamic discussion of the League's three stra- tegic priorities (to be developed in November 2007) as well as the legislative proposals that are being introduced in the legislature dealing with each of the priorities. MEET AT THE SNACK-CART RECEPTION 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. EVENING RECEPTION AT THE HOTEL Join your colleagues to network and enjoy abundant hors d'oeuvres and carved meats. IT'S SHOWTIME wITH "THE VIEW" FROM THE 18- GREEN: WOMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT CAL-ICMA COMMITTEE MEETINGS TURN AROUND TO THE 7:30 - 8:45 a.m. BACK 9 Education and Professional Development Committee on the Profession Nominations and IC1,AA Governance Task Force on Preparing the Next Generation Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct REGISTRATION 7:30 a.m. - Noon CITY BOOKS 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NETWORKING BREAKFAST 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. rrij,oy l rea kfa>, while networking and planningyour day. PERS COUNSELING All Day Do you know what your retirement will be like? Sign up in advance at /calpers and participate in a one-on-one retirement counseling session with a Ca 1PERS representative. GENERAL SESSION 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. A TASTE OF FIERCE Transformational ideaswill shift your understanding of ALI conversations and the power they hold in leadership. Using a coaching model that builds an open, direct, and respectfu I culture, you can tackle and resolve your city's toughest challenges. E PRESIDINr, Kevin Duggan, City Manager, Mountain View SPEAKER: Susan Scott, CEO and Founder, Fierce, Inc., Bellevue, Washington FROM DRIVER TO PUTTER BREAKOUT SESSIONS 10:45 a.m.- Noon KEYNOTE FOLLOW UP - A TASTE OF FIERCE In depth analysis of "conversations" and the principles that will help you achieve results and build relationships. SPEAKER; Susan Scott, CEO and Founder, Fierce, Inc., Bellevue, Washington FABULOUS FLOPS: GETTING OUT OF i.._.. THE ROUGH Ever flopped? Had ideas, projects, or programs that never reached the mark? Feel like you need therapy? Join six of your very courageous peers who have volunteered to bare their souls and admit for he first time publicly, that perhaps what at first seemed like a great idea wasn't quite so great. MODERATOR AND SPEAKER: Ken Frank, City Manager, City of Laguna Beach SPEAKERS Tim Casey, City Manager, City of Laguna Niguel Robert Dominguez, City Manager, City ofplacentia Ed Everett, Retired City Manager, City of Redwood City Dan Hobbs, CuyManager. City ofTracy Ray Silver, City Manager, City of Westminster Rod Wood, City Manager, City of Beverly Hills NOT BUILDING COMMUNITIES? THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? New urbanism encourages a return to design features, i.e., prominent front porches, to help provide that unique physical place where we feela sense of belonging. Encouraging volun- teerism and maintaining community traditions enhances a sense of community. MODERATOR AND SPEAKER: Jerry Johnson, City Manager, City of Lincoln SPEAKi-; : Ken Kay, KenKay Associates, San Francisco Bob Romness, Executive Director, Lincoln Volunteer Center, Lincoln FEDERAL CAP ON RETIREMENT BENEFITS Did you know that the Federal Government has specific caps on how much reti rement you can draw? Find out if you will be able to get your full retirement benefits. SPEAKER: Robert Blum, Attorney, Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy LLP, San Francisco DEAD BATTERY ON THE GOLF CART! LUNCH Noon - 2:00 p.m. From west coast priorities to the national perspective, calendar year 2008 will have important issues that directly impact California cities. Take on some important and possibly controversial conversations over lunch with friends and peers. Join the open dialogue with an open mind followed by the awards ceremony and quick updates from PNG and CCMF. PRESIDING: Jeff Kolin, City Manager, City of Santa Rosa • Diversity Award, John Nail Award, PNG Update, CCMF Report BACK ON TRACK BREAKOUT SESSIONS 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. MEDIA RELATIONS AND CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS Discover what the media wantsto know; the myths, principles and pitfalls of crisis com- munication. Hear from2003 Cedar Fires incident commander, that had to be "up close and personal" with the media, during a very high energy, high profile and highly stressful situation. FACILITATOR: Kathi Henry, City Manager, City of E] Cajon SPEAKERS Marc Bailey, Newscaster, XETV Channel 6, El Capon Monica Zeeh, Public Information Officer, City of El Cajon CREATING A COACHING CULTURE FOR CITY SUCCESS Coaching prepares the next generation and strengthens a culture of high performance. Cal- ICMA Coaching Program and other re- sources can help you boost results by identifying the key elements of an action plan you can tailor for your city. tviODERATOR AND SPEAKER: Frank Benest, Ed.D., City Manager, City of Pa to Alto SPEAKERS: Don Maruska, Master Coach and Director, Cal-ICMA Coaching Program, Don Maruska & Company, Inc., Morro Bay Kevin O'Rourke, City Manager, City of Fairfield AWARD WINNING DIVER-CITIES Featuring three former winners of the City Managers Department Diversity Award, the session will highlight innovative programs that work and provide tools to demonstrate how you can achieve them in your community. FACILITATOR: Chris Zapata, City Manager, Nationa I City SPEAKERS: Rod Gould, City Manager, City of Poway David Knapp, City Manager. City of Cupertinc• Ken Pulskamp, City Manager, City of Santa Clarita IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY Vendors continue to promise a better game if you purchase the latest and greatest technology available. At what cost? Are you adequately managing your reliance upon and the cost of ever improving technology, or does it feel as though it is managing you? Are you prepared to defend against the legal hazards associated with technological changes? Focus on practical executive level recommendations and examples of best practices/products for successfully managing the impacts oftechnology. Id10DERATOR: Michael Flad, Assistant City Manager, City ofBurbank SPEAKERS: Steve Reneker, Chief Information Officer, City of Riverside Laura Peabody, Chieflnformation Officer, City ofWalnut Creek Juli Scott, ChiefAssistant City Attorney, City of Bu rba n k THE LEAGUE Q SCHOOL BREAKOUT SESSIONS 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. SPEED COACHING The Preparing the Next Generation Committee has lined up an outstanding group ofcity managers to share their knowledge of career advancement. You vnU have an opportunity to speak to a number of coacheswho will discuss the motivation and influences behind their career achievements, as well as give advice that you can utilize to advance your career. CREME DE LA CREME - SELECTING AND DEVELOPING TOP EXECUTIVES Believe it or not compensation is much less critical to successful recruitment and retention than are succession planning, sound selection practices, and a rewarding work environment. • What to do when the succession plan has failed to prepare a viable candidate? • Improve succession planning with proven methods • Better your skills in executive selection • Create a personally fulfilling workplace for your top executives PRESIDING: Bob LaSala, City Manager, City of Lancaster SPEAKERS: Philip E Berghausen, Jr.,Ph.D,, Center for Executive Solutions, Sunnyvale Andrew Winzelburg, Ph.D., Center for Executive Solutions, Sunnyvale . -4- EXECUTIVE WELLNESS Years of high stress and fast paced employment take their toll on your personal health. Take a few moments to assess key preventative wellness and nutrition factors that can lead to chronic disease, guided by a highly respected professor of public health and Registered Dietitian. Explore how to apply motivational interviewing techniques to your wellness and your work by respecting knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Complete and create a simple Personal Passport to Good Health. SPEAKER. Gail Frank, Professor of Nutrition, Department of Family and Consumer Sci- ences, College of Health and Human Services, California State University, Long Beach. APPROACHING THE 18111 GREEN GRAB at Go BREAKFAST SESSIONS 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. PERS COUNSELING Do you know what your retirement will be like? Sign up in advance at and participate in a one-on-one retirement coun- seling session with a CaIPERS representative. LEAGUE STRATEGIC PRIORITY This late-breaking session will involve a dynamic discussion of the League's three stra- tegic priorities (to be developed in November 2007) as well as the legislative proposa Is that are being introduced in the legislature dealing with each ofthe priorities. DREAMING ABOUT THE 19TH HOLE DINNER ON OWN Enjoy La Jolla dining with your peers. Share in the discussions ofthree generations of city managers about the creation of a Manage- ment Legacy for Excellence program in one of California's largest cities, Santa Ana, and find out howthey trace the path of change in this central city over the last three decades and forecast the necessary steps to continue the legacy for decades to come. MODERATOR AND SPEAKER: AJ Wilson, Range Rider, ICMA SPEAKERS: David Ream, City Manager, City of Santa Ana SPEED COACHING The Preparing the Next Generation Commit- tee has lined up an outstanding group of city managers to share their knowledge o f career advancement. You will have an opportunity to speak to a number ofcoaches who will discuss the motivation and in@uences behind their career achievements, as well as give advice that you can utilize to advance your career. `I look forward to the City Manager's department meeting each year to learn from my peers about the latest thinking, techniques and practices in our multi faceted profession as well as the chance to catch up friends and recharge in the company of my esteemed colleagues." Rod Gould, City Manager, City of Poway 2007-08 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff Kol in City Manager, City of Santa Rosa PRESIDENT ELECT Bob LaSala Citynlanap?r, City of Lancaster VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Duggan Cat, y Manager, Mou nta in V iew DIRECTOR Rod Gould City Manager, City of Poway IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Cynthia Kurtz City Manager, City of Pasadena 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. THE DANCE OF LEADERSHIP Managers and leaders recognize that leader- ship is more of an art than a science. The Dance of Leadership Workshop focuses on the art of leadership, employing material from art, music, and especially dance to discover new ways of thinking about leadership and new ways of sharpening one's leadership skills. Professor Denhardt will provide special insight and understanding of the art ofleading others to achieve shared goals. RESIDING: Bob LaSala, City Manager, City ofLancaster SPEAKER: Robert B. Denh2rdt, Lincoln Professor ofLeadership a nd Ethics at Arizona State University and co-author of ne Dance of Leadership CITYBOOKs OvERCoMING THE GENERATION THE 19TH HOLE! 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. GAP! CREATING A LEGACY CLOSING GENERAL SESSION O a 0 Z O a li 0 Z J z 0 0 • ti ~ d O O O o o O m v In LO Un O to r N M o cc c > u') V ^ ; Z N R: + d b p N Eli Eli Efl 4o 0-6 Q E U c`a LL. 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