TC - Item 4A - Earle Ave CA Mission Inn Parking ConcernsROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 7, 2009 SUBJECT: EARLE AVENUE/CALIFORNIA MISSION INN PARKING CONCERNS SUMMARY City staff received a petition from Sheryl Blum, 4824 Earle Avenue, regarding parking conditions along Earle Avenue north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue. Ms. Blum has asked that the Traffic Commission review the existing parking conditions and identify possible alternatives for improving parking in this area. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission direct staff to continue outreach with representatives at California Mission Inn and residents along Earle Avenue and provide a quarterly status update on parking conditions in the area. DISCUSSION Residents along Earle Avenue, north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue submitted a petition asking staff to evaluate the parking conditions in their neighborhood. The residents in this area maintain that employees of the nearby California Mission Inn park along Earle Avenue, limiting parking for residents in this area. After conducting field observations, staff found that Earle Avenue is heavily parked adjacent to the California Mission Inn. However, in reviewing City documents staff learned that this property was granted a parking exemption (Attachment 1) that reduced the minimum number of parking spaces required at the site. This exemption remains in effect to this date. Staff met with Sheryl Blum to discuss parking issues on Earle Avenue. Ms. Blum has suggested implementing a residential parking permit program for residents in this area. Ms. Blum also asked the City for assistance discussing parking issues with representatives at the California Mission Inn. City staff agreed to help communicate with residents in the area and the California Mission Inn on parking issues. California Mission Inn representatives have expressed a willingness to help in any way possible. Ms. Blum has also indicated that her neighbors would be interested in discussing their concerns related to neighborhood parking with the Traffic Commission. Residents have been notified of this meeting and encouraged to attend to express their concerns regarding parking concerns in the neighborhood. City Council Meeting May 7, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Staff is asking for input from the Traffic Commission on parking concerns and is recommending that staff continue to monitor parking concerns and provide regular quarterly updates to the Commission. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: City Planning Commission Agenda Documents - Parking Exemption Attachment 2: Petition from Earle Avenue Residents Residents of Earle Ave Rosemead, Ca 91770 Brian Saeki Assistant City Manager 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Saeki, We, the residents of Earle Ave, formally request enforced Resident Permit Parking only on the east side of Earle Ave between Mission Rd and brand Ave. We acknowledge the co-operation of the California mission Inn, Rosemmud Manor, Medic 1, and the rehab center but unfortunately a good will agreement cannot be enforced as employees view themselves as the public. Leaving no parking for the residential homeowners or quests, 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. A situation created in 1960, Zone Exception Case No. 5 )ar F- OCAt- With respect, W OT 40m L- 4836 4842 _ 4846 ! [1 ~ , /1J 485? 4856 Nor r vmG N-Nov 4802 a o In reh-aary 4S ]9bo C3~,~~•,-,/ RpPl~c•wf Re9uts~ CetS"e~ mr. Joseph C. wilts Chairman Planning Ccwi wion Ci of Roommad 3964 We Rosemead Blvd, Rosenzado California Rat Zags Eaoaeptian Dsar_ Nr+ Chairnaut . We are submitting for yaw consideration the enaloeed application for wA- ificaticm to the parking roquiremsntaa, and to &Uor the estahlishaaent, of a ww Huraing Homo to be used in commotion viith the existing Hama for the Aged. The existing Hama is a nm profit orgepisatian~ administrated bar the Cal- ifami,a Christian Hoses, Irmo an the property of the National Bersavalmt Association of the christiaa M=Vh. Readdentos of the Hama have peravaal incomes up to $25 per moasth. D Many of the members of the Haas wauld be eoaasidered charity cases 4.seyhers, and all are wb itted for lesa thaa the coat of oars. Of the present 100 and denta, name cum sa autaoobiU. According to our dba rrations, 10 to 15 visitors visit the Hone dai.]y dwing the wwdc, and there are about 25 visitors an Saturdays and on Sins. The existing property pith street frontage am sides (211ra ].in, f+.q 0 property line - less 150 ft. for driveways) oen se- *am iodate well over 80 cars for en street parking, allaying PJ4 lin. fte each. Since the swro u%UAg residential property is built np and consists of leas than 30 bomasa it 3s u likely that they would fill botch aidss of the 4 streets at ow giten time We thereto" are vubmitting for yow c atio n a more roealistis puking program (as record by our architects) am folImt OPT STR PARKM I'm (b New V=j Knee Unit 46 (c Fdturb Raasa for Hembers 16 Sub Total. IM Sing;U hi m hers (d) Future ss1,€-Sni'ficieat Aged 54Coq)lse 24 6 Tartal iR g.atbers aced Cavpl.aa (e) Evectsd Total Staff (1 per 4 2iemberv) JI (Living on snd off property) ?32 H=ow s wA Stan SEMEAD 7-6`' 5 RO to IY. Divisiau of staffi (Preasnt Ratio - 1/3 of St ff UVV on property) Of 46 PWloyeess There xM be future aecanwdatioass for 34 employ- ee.:. 40.boployess vou3A be ma3dz= n ber of employees an Property at cam WAft= including resident staff. S=w of these ewple 7o" would not own cars. III0 tarkinE Pro znt (Spaces - Off Stmt Parking) (a) %~taff (3 out of 4) 30 ear spaces (b) Visitors to Hme (1 per 10) 18 • " (c) ,'wed Couples (Apts.) (2 per 3 units) 8 " (d) Hmtbers I Cs" (1 par 1Q) 18 " " 74 sour Spat" (If (a Street Pig Were 0= idwed) 80 e IN or spy In addition, it is hoped that the City will, snow c=atderation for the Ewe in requiring, only imporovwsez U that are absolute 17 wme=7 and is keeping 'dth the ax rounding c ty# in order that charity fmd be devoted to the mom direct needs of the aged hrs. We would appreciate the underatandirng that off street perming acca=odatiow VouZd be provided may as needed# and as funds are m det available for this D p~po~re. We trust these provisions yil meet with your approval. 7 Paul B. 9 a Dimctor/ ~~pansSbn az~d 1~eveslopexe=rt California C3h~sst3sa ~tasga Y &+cls 4 Copies app uatim Form (Applicant'S Hand Use hV zoning maps (01mrswP KV (2 B~aok F.Ve $ Topo. Sunv7 of Rxisyti,ng Property a d BnilAinga 2 Kanter Plot Plan (Architect) of Proposed I&A V~w 1 ropy GerWW Property Owasw's List GO Nat final Benevolent hssoci.atim Rus„~►ene d. Flakes, Arw itect PHOWS RCVSEM EAD zz-:c- 5 ZONZ HX03MON €AU 10. .5 CerdOri a V%-5. The Fls=L Cep salan of the yity of Rosemead exoepts the follcwt.aa.g desaribed pro rtr 14ts 1 to b Inclasi.vei also lots 23 to 41 inclusive,, of Trot a bts sh* n on p reeorded in Book 9I, P WS 99 erad 100* *f Maps. in the offLee or t1lo Reaerdor of the Cos ty of Leas eles, Pram the provislania sf wrdiaanoe ire, 3.12 the ZOU iaance of the City of Roo4mood, but crag insofar as such *xagpttaon is neaessary to permit additions to a rtmt home with leox than req°~i.red parklugf sabjest " the f oll ing aondttti oasl 1.9 That the p Pert Zr be developed substant Lally in aoaarda s ui.th the plat plan marked albit "0. 2. That tb* areas bet:wo#z property lirso and tho buildiad s®ttaek linos be lavdscape+d in aaaardance with a landsc plan to be submitted to 4Ad api grovad by the'3arra>x3esirn; suamkt.andsospi.n shall be mctntir~~tusl ~alattained. 3. That all areas ase-d by automobilea be pared with a conarst$, as" pha1Pia or maaadem tape of surfsoing. That a minima of 18 off-stra*t paa ¢ apaeou be provided for the inf irmar7 an,d Off-atroot parking spaoss be pro 4" for the existing and p"- pcaed I~Tro-vements i. the followin i ratios 5 ta ff 3 s ►s for eaeia 4 staf'f Abors Aged couples - 2 3 units Members - 1 5 awxb*rs .iu aah p4~x~, shaal be provided prlor to capaney of the strus- tore i*h they are designod to ssivrs. 5. That at the tics,r tha Boolth Un'tor banding and the adjacent parkin at►aa are aoostruoted, carb and g4tor shs11 be providod adjaoont to s` bjeet property along Delta Streat; and the westorly 110 feet of € rand kyeamo and thereafter a•L,rb and utter shall be provided adjaaout to the remainirkq front- ago as the p"peaty Is develop*&. 6. That this as* b* limited to th t of a 'df'or the Aged, and f'aaili- ties for bhe a lays thereof. . 7. That if as inai~asrttor is use4s it ishAll be of a typo approved by the Air Pa Ration Control Distri a t, and shall emit no abnozie ss odors bbyand the proper' lime, - 1 - 8* That the applicant OPP17 for an ladvA tri al Waste Permit trot the Industrial W"t:e Divisioa of tho _.)epsrt At of Camty V ineor and if asneh permit is rewired, it shall be maintatmo4 in full fares and ef'fsat during tho life of the operation. 9. That provisions be x"o far all nat al dram, to the aagia.« Faction of the Coouu.ty Engineer* ai.age plans and two signed grads plans shaall be Sub ttad to the ounty 'Eagineers resign Division, for skp- provaalp prior to constr tion,, 10. Tat the stnwtu.res and all other i av+,saaen$,s shown on the glct plaza. shall be a leted by My 10 1964, 11. That: + .ess otherwise stated„ each Of the Conn tiara stated in general te.rsS# or stated to be' applicable. to ope.rator# is intended to applyj, and to be bind3 uapwas California , 1stian home, its "utsi employess't s adastsore and assigns. hp. ftis eXCopti shall not be effeative for any parpose until tbo rspraasentaative of the applicant for the as* requested, an the property in. volvods has Mod Akt the ofriae of the said gionAl pja=jng Commission his affidavit staatLig that he has authority to aceopt and that he is aware of and soeepts all the eanditions of this ex*sptlon. 134 It is l.sre'b7 declared to be the iate*t of this gone exaep'tion, tbat if any pr Vision thereof is hold and deeelared to be invalid$ the a shall be void and alp Of the priVL10 ,se gr6ated hareander shall !apes, un- less the FIaMd- a,aMisaiont Upon wpplidat4 on a d cause appearing therefor, deters .nos Qtherwise. 14. It is hereby further declared " waft a eendition of this gone eseeeptiOur that if any condition h+ersamsr Is violated or if say other ap" plicable law, ,statute or ordinance is violated in the operations herenadsr, 'Chia: zone exception a hail be suspended and the privileges grantmd herorandor shall lsp,se; prided, that tie le.salee or opeaato-Vp for the time being, of the said ante, Pursuant to this =on* exceptions shA11 have been gives: written notice to cease, or to aaa as eessation of s sfwh Vlolatieu and has failed to do aa* for a poried *f 30 days from and after receipt of much notice. This z*ne e -eption shall booome taull void unless ass thoxwf Is rieasaaMnood within *no year from date of app"Tal hereat and eontinao"ly utained therQtfter, PLAAA INci CONMSSION Ki.lta n Farrell s 3earstary. Planning Cowassion its' of Roeewsd 'M= as Public. }~eAr~h~ 1Jot;C~ ATLANTIc 0-01 C1 'ERLAND 3-4371 PLANNING COMMISSION &4 01 R""Wad 3964 N. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS * WITHIN .A 500 FOOT RADIUS CITY OF ROSEMEAD ZONE EXCEPTION CASE NO. 5 This is to notify you that a PUBLIC HEARING in the matter of a request for an exception to the R-3 (Limited Multi- ple Residence) and A-1-5000 (Light Ag- riculture--5,000 square foot minimum) Zones in-order to establish, operate and maintain additions to a home for the aged while providing less than re- quired off-street parking, on property located at 8417 East Mission Drive in the City of Rosemead, will be held be- fore the City Planning, Commission, in the City Hall, 3964 N. Rosemead Boule- vard, Rosemead, California, on Monday, April 4, 1960, at 8:00 p.m. at which time you, as a property owner of record near the site, may be heard. Joseph C. Wilt, Chairman CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 5'~'w'~~ 4Ze Por THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF ROSEMEAD DATE OF HEARING: April 4, 1960 REPORT ON: Zone Exception Case No. Filed: Applicant: February 24, 1960 California Christian Home, Inc. 8417 Mission Drive Rosemead, California Owner: Same Request: Additions to rest home with less than required parking Location: 8417 Mission Drive City of Rosemead Zones: R-3 (Limited Multiple Residence) A-1-59000 (Light Agriculture-- 59000 square foot minimum) (A/c 1 5--c4 1t) - A41 (a I ,C-. G,eA N /a Irk, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 20NE EXCEPTION CASE DATE OF *HEARINOi April 4, 1960 APPLICANT'S PROP06AL: To establish operate, and maintain additions to a home for the aged while pproviding less than the required off- street parking in the R-3 (Unlimited Multiple Residence) and A-1-5,000 (Light Agriculture 5,000 sq. ft, min.) Zones. The existing and proposed uses are shown on the plot plan marked Exhibit "A". The existing home accomodates 100 aged members and is be expanded to a total of 186 members, 24 of which would be married couples living in self-sufficient apartments. In addition, a staff of employees numbering 46, living on and off the premises, is anticipated. The total number of proposed parking spaces numbers 86 and is intended to serve the entire facility. A strict interpretation of the parking requirements as stated in the Zoning Ordinance would require 213 parking spaces for the 142 aged persons who will be living in the existing and proposed rest home units (See Section 746) and 12 covered parking spaces for the aged married couples living in the two room apartments (See Section 743). The employee parking would be calculated at 1 parking space per each 2 employees, but it should be noted that many employees will live on the premises. The applicant expects that 80 cars could be parked on the streets surrounding the subject property with no detriment to the adjacent property owners. Finally a 20 foot setback is shown on all sides of the subject property except for the northeast corner parking area which shows a 10 foot setback. This use is permitted in the C-3 (Unlimited Commercial) Zone as a matter of course and in the A-1 (Light Agriculture) Zone with a special permit, providing that in both cases the off-street parking is in keeping with the ordinance requirements. FACTUAL D ATR BE.tRING ON THI:i CASE ARE NOTED AS FOLLOWS : The subject property consists of an entire block bounded by E. Mission Dr. on the south, N. Delta St, on the west, E. Grand avenue on the north, and N. Earle St, on the east. It is developed with a home for the aged on the south half, with no off-street parking except for that available in an existing driveway and a single family residence on the north half. The latter structure is to be removed. The surrounding area in all directions is developed predomin- ately to mixed residential uses except for a county water district yard immediately west of the subject property. 2. The subject property is zoned R-3 and A-1-5,000 as established by County Ordinance 4944 adopted on 6-17-47 and retained after the incorporation of the City of Rosemead. Zoning Case No. 608, a request for an addition to the original home for the aged was granted by the Board of Supervisors in the form of Ordinance No. 3683 on 9-17-40. 4. E. Mission Drive, though only a 75 feet wide secondary highway, requires no widening along the subject property. The other streets, N. Delta St., E. Grand Ave., and N. Earle St. are local streets varying in width from 60 feet to 75 feet. 5. One hundred and thirth-five (135) notices of this hearing were mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, on March 25, 1960, to those persons whose names and mailing addresses appeared on the latest available assessment roll of the County Assessor as property owners of record within a 500-foot radius of the ex- terior boundaries of the property under consideration. Legal notice of this hearing was published in the Rosemead Review on Thursday, March 18, 1960. Prepared by: Mele Koneya n"4F:1,1:ds Respectfully submitted, Darrell M. Flanery Planning Advisor G;4+ev1s i c I11 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 881,5 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA Date: February 1, 1966 ZONE EXCEPTION-CASE NO. 5 Request for Time Extension Attention; Milton R. Farrell, City Administrator Applicant(s): California Christian Home, Inc: 8417 Mission Drive Rosemead, California Represented By: Paul B. Kennedy, Director Owner(s): Same as above Site Location: 8417 Mission Drive Legal Description: Lots one through six and twenty-eight through forty-one of Tract 7666 per map recorded in Book 91, Pages 99-100 in Office of Recorder of the County of Los Angeles. Zone:.. R-3 and R-1-5000 Authorization: Section 9123.5 TIME EXTENSION ZONE EXCEPTION CASE NO. 5 FEBRUARY 1, 1966 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: To extend the expiring time limit on ZEC #5 in order to permit the erection and completion of a proposed kitchen and other structures as otherwise conditionallyy permitted under the approval granted in said exception April 18, 1960. FACTUAL DATA BEARING ON THE SUBJECT REQUEST: 1. The existing and proposed uses are shown as Exhibits A, A Revised,and the current Exhibit B. The existing home accommodates 170 members generally, 24 of whom are aged couples living in separate apartments, and approximately 45 of whom may be housed in the imfirmary. The staff of 70 persons consists of 35 persons serving the entire home, and 35 persons on three shifts, serving in the infirmary. Some of the staff live on the premises. There are 65 grking spaces provided on the premises, 64 parking spaces are re ired under the conditions of the approval, as calculated heret I=or 14i rmary(incl udes 45 members & 35 staff) 1'8 PKG Spaces For Staff (3 spaces for each 4 staff members) 18 PKG Spaces Aged Couples (2 spaces for each 3 units) 8 PKG Spaces Members (1 space for each 5 members) 20 PKG Spaces REQUIRED PARKING - TOTAL 64 PKG Spaces The subject use was, at the time of the grant, permitted in the C-3 and A-1 Zones. The use is now permitted in any zone subject to grant of a Conditional Use Permit. 2. The Subject Property consists of the entire block bounded by Mission Drive on the south, Grand Avenue on the north, Delta Avenue on the west, and Earle Street on the east. 3. The Subject Property is currently zoned R-3 and R-1. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Commission may approve the requested time extension per Section 9123.5 of the Zoning Ordinance. It is suggested that the Commission 1) grant a one year time extension, expiring on May 1, 1967, in order to permit the construction of required facilities for the home; 2) make the extension subject to submission of five revised copies of a plot plan indicating existing and proposed structures and parking facilities. Respectfully submitted, ADOLPH E. HERSH l.I I T Ur ROSEMEAD, PLANNING CALIFORNIA COMMISSION Minutes of February 1, 1966 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held in the Council Chambers at 8815 East Valley Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Taylor at 7:34 o'clock PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Buchanan. The Invocation was given by Mr. Paul B. Taylor, Director of Expansion of the California Christian Home. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor Absent: Commissioners: None Ex Officio: Brown, Hersh, Meyer, Wilder 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 18, 1966 (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Buchanan, and unanimously carried that the minutes of January 18, 1966, be approved as written. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMI SS ION: 4. goo Moller, County Engineer, to discuss functions and services of the County Engineer Office with regard to Rosemead. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Kunz, seconded by Commissioner Pike, and unanimously carried that the talk by Bob Moller be deferred till after Zone Exception Case #5 had been prAented and discussed. a. ZONE EXCEPTION CASE NO. 5 haul B. Kennedy, Director of Expans1on California Christian Home 8417 East Mission Drive Mr. Hersh, Director of Planning, presented the factual data. Mr. Kennedy, the Director of Expansion for the Home, presented the overall future picture of the Home's expansion. (MO) It was moved by Commissioner Kunz and seconded by Commissioner Holmes that the Commission grant the California Christian Home a one year extension from May 1, 1966 to May 1, 1967 in order to permit construction of required facilities for the Home and that the extension is subject to the submission of five revised copies of a plot plan indicating existing and proposed structures and parking facilities. (RC) ROLL CALL VOTE as follows: \ Ayes: Commissioners: Buchanan, Holmes, Kunz, Pike, Taylor Noes: Commissioners: None